yeast infections help plz

edited May 2011 in Health
I have an yeast infection and I'm waiting to go to the doctor but how can I help get rid of it and has anyone had one and what did they do to treat it? Any ways to prevent it? Thanks


  • Theirs over the counter drugs but should always see doctor first. They have cool wipes in the same area of the yeast infection meds to help hold you over
  • I have had them alot, and i googled home remidies and got some ideas, but the best thing that worked for me was diflucan pill from the dr.. Good luck I know they are miserable..
  • When I was at the doc the other day he told me over-the-counter meds for yeast infections don't wont. Set up an appt. And ask for refills..
  • Ok thanks
  • My dr told me monistat 3 is ok to use
  • I have one too. They gave me a pill but I was told a cream is safer. So I decided not to take the pill and do a cream instead. I'm just a nervous Nelly.
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