Ectopic Pregnancy

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone had an ectopic pregnancy? I did a few months ago and it led to eternal bleeding so they had to remove my tube. We are trying again but I'm still having a hard time with the loss Id love to hear your story, it would help me to know I'm not the only one going through this.


  • I had an ectopic 12 yrs ago, I am pregnant now with mt 3rd baby I am scared everytime I get pregnant vut it always turns out good.
  • Did they have to remove anything? My periods are now every other month and longer 68 days apart, which is making it very hard to calculate my ovulation. I'm sure it'll be awesome once I'm not trying to get pregnant though. But I wonder if that means Ill have my periods till I'm 70 or something.
  • My mom had one 7 years ago she was in do much pain and they said she could have died .... She got the surgery immediately.... And not even a year later she was pregnant with my sister..... She hasn't had any problems conceiving or carrying since then.....:)
  • @twin_angels

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss, wow twins must have been very hard to deal with all the maybes and what ifs. Fingers crossed though!
  • My mom had one and had to have one tube removed and the other tied. Then she got pregnant with me! Anything is possible!
  • They did remove my tube, gave me a blood transfusion and the whole nine. 6 mths Prior to my ectopic I had a miscarriage. At the time of tge ectopic, on top of having polycystic ovarian syndrom they told me and my mother that children were probably not going to be in my future. Well god has shown them! Im carrying healthy baby # 3!
    It does not decrease your chances half because u only have half of your equipment, it increases you RISK of gaving another by 50% basically once u have had one you run a high risk of having another. However, im very strong in my faith, and I srill have tHe feaR EVERYTIME, i have dodged the repeat bullet 3x. So keep trying, be positive, take care if yourself, and have higher faith in tge promises God has made to you than the words a dr says.
  • @twin_angels
    I hate when people say, "it was meant to be" that just pisses me off, it never makes you feel better. I'm sure you could have taken care of them just fine otherwise God wouldn't have blessed you with them. I know he has a plan for all of us but it doesn't change the feeling of the loss. I still have my pg test as well, its hard to move past it.
  • @singlemomofsoontobe3
    My doc said since they removed my tube then my chances of it happening again were back at 4% like normal ppl. But it just sucks cuz I have 1 already and she's turning 2 this month and we've been trying since June cuz I didn't want them to be more than 3 years apart. So now I have to wait 30 more days til I ovulate, it really sucks. But my doc promised if I don't get pregnant next month that she'll help me

    I do have a lot of faith in God that he will bless us again with many more children. I guess I'm more just impatient than anything.
  • I too have been through the lose and it seems u may have some disappointment in your lifes plan. I would encourage you to seek counceling from lije a pregnancy help center or your church clergy bc it can be too much to handle alone. God will test your ability to understand hus plan, this is a moment needed to grow and give it to god. You have to come to a point and say God I am hurting and out of the 4,378 promises u have made to me, u have promised to mend my broken heart, while I do not understand your plan I trust you and understand you are a God that gives and takes away.
    I can honestly say I know what u are going through and it is still soon, it will get better!
  • All my kids will 3 1/2 yrs apart and its goid. I got pregnant right before each of tgeir 3rd bdays
  • @QueenBee, it wasn't "meant to be"

    however, i will tell you that shit happens, to everyone, and life sucks.

    My best friend for the past 13 years has PCOS & finally after 3 years of trying to conceive found out she was 9 weeks pregnant when she was rushed to the emergency room with over half of her blood volume in her abdomen. Her ectopic had ruptured her right tube and she had been bleeding out for the better part of 24 hours. It wasn't until she fainted that she thought she had anything more than bad gas pains.

    They were unable to save her tube in the process. She was faced with the reality of having one tube, and having one functional ovary that was covered in cysts and rarely if ever ovulated.

    Within a year, she found out she was pregnant again, she now has a fat, happy, healthy 8 month old son Ayden, who is so adorable. Also, she just found out she is pregnant again, with her second.

    Keep your chin up, your time will come. You aren't crippled, you aren't damaged, you just have an obstacle to overcome, and I'm sure that you will.
  • @micheyla
    Thanks! What an inspiring story!
  • I also had an ectopic pregnancy in march 2010.. I found out I was prego feb17th. Dr's told me I was having a miscarriage bc I was bleeding and had pain but I knew I'm my heart they were wrong. Went to the e.r plenty of times no one could figure it out!! Until finally I had an appt march 12th and while at the dr's office I got this shot of pain on my left side it hurt sooo bad! Turns out my left tube ruptured. They called an ambulance and rushed me to the hospital I had emergency surgery lost lots of blood and also my left tube was removed. I cried for months after, went to counceling bc I needed to talk to someone about it and felt I didn't really have anyone. Couldn't talk to my family bc my sister was also pregnant and I didn't want to make her feel like I resented her bc she got to keep her baby and I didn't. I did resent her though.. she was due oct20 and I was due oct21st so it was really close!.. I didn't completely get over it until I got prego again in december. It hurt so bad to see her with her belly then her baby but I'm all better now that I'm 12wks with my little baby who's in the right place yay!! .. also we started trying for a baby oct11th and found out I was prego dec14th.. so its possible!!
  • Sorry for ya loss. This just happened to me in September they took my left tube out. I got pregnant in November I'm 11wks now and the baby is in the right place. It will happen for yall just be patient. This was a big surprise that I was pregnant again. It can and will happen for you. I will keep you in my prayers. Peace be..
  • Hopefully pregnant, early signs say YES, but still no PPT....fingers crossed ;)
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