Cute ideas for shower favors?

edited May 2011 in Baby showers
I'm wanting to do something crafty for my favors for my baby shower. Wondering if you guys have any cute ideas? U thought about doing a recipe in a jar... Maybe for a cookie. Or chocolate dipped oreos with blue sprinkles (since I'm having as boy). Any ideas?


  • Dollar stores have candels, maybe some cute blue candels? Wrap some ribbons around them make little gift baskets with small bags of blue m&Ms or some blue candies or fresh/dried blue berries. I've made soaps before, Michaels crafts has soap kits you can use blue soap dye make them blue.
  • i like the recipie idea
  • blue food coloring is the best u can make blue rice krispee theme is chocolate and blue....unless I can find leapard and blue like my invites I think that's hot...if you are on a budget u can make candles yourself and Print stickers with ur son's name or yours. I bought some of those blue hand sanitizers from bath and body works to put in my bags and the new fragrance which happened to be a blue girl and they were a buck a piece @conreeaght I'm going to have to look into making the soaps
  • Im buying pink lil baby bottles n having a copy of my daughters 4d pic at 28 weeks in the bottle. Ribbon will have my name with hubbys name n date of our shower
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  • I'm feeling the Oreos! Save one for me!
  • I want to get this cake (with a little black baby):

    And some personalized M&Ms cuz they're cute:
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  • With my son I gave out little bags with candy and tiny babie and bottles and I took white spoons dipped in white chocolate that I colored blue. I wrapped them in cellofan and ribbon that said its a boy. Everyone loved the spoons.
  • @lmelanson....that's a really hood inexpensive favor. You could get blue and white tulleand blue ribbon. Cut squares out of the tulle and put wildflower seed, or flower bulbs in the tulle tie it up and voila you have a really cute reusable party favor. I love the idea of flowers blooming when baby is due :*
  • @bri2186 - Isn't it adorable! I just got excited about it all over again and sent an email to a bakery in South Jersey to see if they could make it and how much would it cost. Honestly, it's so damned cute I don't care how much it is. I told them the baby's butt should be black (like Oprah's complexion!) :-D
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  • @preggointx Michael's art stores have them. I like using the Shea butter melt and form ones you need an old pot to melt the soap (on low) in, don't plan on reusing the pot. I got one from a salvation army store and use it just for soap making. Don't add water, scents or colors to it until you put the fully melted soap into the molds unless you don't want to do any other colors or scents in that pot. While melting the soap keep stirring it so it doesn't burn. For the molds I have used the soap molds they sell, thick candy molds and believe it or not novelty ice trays. I have also ground up coffee, coco beans, and dried herbs to make exfoliating soaps. The soaps work best if you let them set for a month or two but are still great if you use them that night. I wrap mine in wax paper tied with ribbons.
  • edited May 2011
    this website is good. and if you dont buy them from here they give great ideas that you can do/ or get on your own
  • I could not figure out what kind of favors I wanted to do, so we're doing a candy buffet goody bag type deal, so they can take whatever goodies they want home with them.
  • were doing cheap clearance stuff, just nicknacks, photo frames.
  • @jcmommy: I wish I would have been able to use that idea for my baby shower last Saturday; I love it & I'm sure your guests will, too. I also love the homemade soap idea! I wanted to give my shower guests $1 scratch off lottery tickets, wrapped in pink tulle, with a tag that says, "Hope you are as lucky as mommy & daddy!" But I ran out of money, mainly because my so-called "friend" who was all crazy about planning my shower as her gift to me screwed me over. It's a long story, but in the end, I was lucky everything still turned out nice. Make sure if someone other than you is planning your shower, that they are trustworthy, reliable, & dependable!!
  • My friend n I made home made carmel corn balls stuck a spoon in them n warped them to look like baby rattles in all the girly colors. It was for one of her friends they turned out so cute! Idk wat to do for mine. But they were super easy n fun to make but so hard not to eat in the process lol
  • As for game prizes, I had a co-ed baby shower, so I used the $1 scratch off tickets I had bought (needed 50, could only afford like 10) as part of the "guy" presents, which I kept separated for when they would win. I hit up Walmart & got scented mini jar candles for $1 each, & then mini bottles of hand lotion, body wash, body spray, facial scrub - all name brand, all for like .97 cents at Walmart, also. Got some cute little picture frames & cupcake notepads at my local dollar store. I also had scented bath salts, little fingernail grooming kits, & flavored lip gloss as game prizes. All cheap, but fun for my female guests to receive.
  • I ended up making chocolate covered pretzel rods sprinkled with chocolate brown sprinkles and tied the bags off with green and brown ribbon (his nursery colors) with a little thank you tag attached! I was so excited because my husband asked me where I ordered them from when he got home from work, and I got to say I made them :)
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