membrane stripped..

Just got back from the doctor and I'm 2.5cm and she stripped the membrane hoping I go into labor soon! Any of you moms had good results with your membrane being stripped? I'm 39 weeks 2 days


  • I had mine done in the morning and my water broke later that night. I was 40 weeks 1 day. Good luck and do lots of walking!
  • I havent had good results ive had not so good was painful for me, and i was hoping it would have worked cuz my son was 41 wks an very comfortable in me...i hope it works for you...good luck stimulate your nipples too that helps too
  • I didn't...had them stripped 4 times...ended up with an induction...failed 3 inductions...ended up with an emergency c-section. Didn't it hurt?! I was screaming like a baby every time she stripped them :(
  • @mommyfor3 ohh I hope I'm that lucky I'm so ready!

    @navywyfe thanks ill give it a try

    @soon2BMomOf2under2 man that sucks yeah it was a bit uncomfortable but not too bad
  • I had mine stripped with my daughter at 39 weeks... that night I lost my mucus plug, and the next day labor started! It def. worked for me... after I had them stripped I also had sex though, not sure if that helped or not.. but right after sex I lost my plug, so I think it helped too! Good luck to you!
  • :) thanks I'll def try the sex part too haha whatever works
  • What exactly do they do (stripping the membrane) - if you dont mind me asking. ill be 39 weeks at my next appointment and I was thinking about. Asking them to di it, I havnt been checked yet so I don't know if im dialated or not.
  • She just moved her fingers around in me for not even a minute and its supposed to get the cervix to soften. Its kind of uncomfortable but hey if it works I'm up for it lol
  • Oh that doesn't sound bad. I thought they used like a metal tool or somethin and literly scraped the cervex or somethin lol.
  • I had mine done with my 2nd baby and it didn't work. I ended up going over by 2 weeks a induction was needed.
  • Oh man I don't think id let them do that if that's what it was lol. I hope mine worked!
  • Haha true. I just wanna know if im dialated or not.
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