Sex = Pain & Burning

edited May 2011 in Health
Everytime me and bf have sex we never get to finish to painful and burning super bad!! Last night I told him I am not having sex anymore until the baby(doubt I can last that long lol anyways) if anyone else experience the burning do u put hot or cold towel down there. Or what do u do to stop it?!?


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  • didn't think to use that but its not like I am dry guess I can try it to get extra wet, lol thanks @uncaffeinated_katie
  • @gabschillin ... no I don't. I do a culture every appt to see if I have one and they haven't called me so I don't have once this month lol
  • Same with me. I just gave up, I can't do it no more
  • @blessed1508, how far along are you? The kind of discharge your body produces during pregnancy changes pretty often, it's way more basic than acidic - that sounds more comfortable than it actually is - it's a lot like the discharge you would produce right before your period. During your cycle your discharge becomes super slippery and viscous when you are most fertile and during ovulation and then thicker and dryer before you get your period and when you are pregnant - this is because slippery viscous fluid is perfect for those little sperms to travel to that little egg, obviously when youre pregnant..those little sperms know they dont need to get to that little egg because that jobs been done! So discharge, while it may seem like a ton, and it may seem super wet.. is actually kind of thick and gritty - to protect baby - and often times it ends up being uncomfortable during sex. So, my longwinded answer is that uncaffeinated_katie is right on when she says to use lube, not necessarily to make you MORE wet, just different wet :) If you're bleeding or you have pain beyond normal vaginal pain after sex, talk with your doc. Pain beyond normal vaginal pain would include severe cramping or intolerable back/hip pain
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  • @lilbun915 o wow ok gotcha. and I will be 23 wks tomorrow. and I have pain afterwards its just burning extremely bad but no cramping or hip pain or anything
  • yeah so get off my stuff and play feud I am bored watching this stupid cartoon with my son lol @gabschillin
  • oh and also @blessed1508 a small amount of bleeding, "stringy" light pink or red spotting with discharge or light brown spotting on the toilet paper is fairly normal if youve been having a painful burning sensation (that you have confirmed with your doc is not related to an abnormal pap smear) during/after sex. It is coming from outside the cervix 99% of the time and is due to the irritation/friction caused by sex with that strange discharge, it can cause teeny tiny microscopic tears in vaginal tissue that are harmless and common. Bleeding should be taken seriously when it lasts longer than a few "pees" meaning, if you go to the bathroom and see blood more than 3x, and is definitely blood, like the kind you would see during your period. It's worth it to mention it to your doc no matter what - i don't know if youre experiencing this but based on what youre saying its not unlikely that you will! So, I gave you two novel length comments to read just in case haha! Sorry! Hope this helps!
  • edited May 2011
    @lilbun915 THANK for explaining it to me!!! and nope no bleeding just pain. but I think it has to do with the dryness and I swear i can feel my bf vain on his dick and that's soooo uncomfortable!!!!
  • @blessed1508 has it been like that throughout the entire pregnancy or is it a recent development? I experienced the same thing but honestly, lots of foreplay - if you guys are into that - and a bit of water based lube has totally helped. Stear clear or anything "warming" or "tingling", that will make it feel much worse and in my opinion that stuff feels like icy hot pregnant or not haha
  • @lilbun915 if your talking about the vain always been like that. if your talking about the burning it depends 95% of the time I am in pain. but we do foreplay so while he is done down there and tries to, put it in when done I am in pain as soon as he put it in ...... :-/
  • @lilbun915 I just use water to clean myself cuz I think if I use soap and we have sex it will hurt. and when he gives me massage and then we have sex right after and he uses his hand to put it in it burns so I think it,will do the same with soap ...... idk lol
  • @blessed1508, do you mind me asking a few more questions? I think I can solve your problem!
  • @lilbun915 no not all. ask away plz lol
  • @lilbun915 while your at it do u know how to get rid of a cyst down there. my doc told me, to use a bottle with hot water. I did, that once and never again lol but its not bothering me I might just let it stay there
  • Ok, when you say it's always been like that do you mean before you ever got pregnant? I'm about to just be totally blunt so if theres anything you'd prefer to not answer or if you'd rather inbox/email me I totally understand.. haha.
    So, he goes down on you, with his mouth? - sorry if that seems obvious, foreplay means different things to different people - and do you generally have an orgasm during that? or is it just to kind of warm ya up? and you feel fine? or are you enjoying it? Then he goes ahead and moves on to the real deal? Does he use his fingers on you at all?
    Now, the hygiene stuff.. What kind of soap are you using specifically? When I said "water based" in my comment above I was referring to the lubricant you should pick up if you guys choose to use one.. lubricants are mostly water based nowadays but some can be petroleum based - like vaseline - avoid those during pregnancy, and alltogether really. Also, is he using lotion or oil when he gives you a massage? That could totally cause some burning if the lotion travels from his hands inside your body.. guys dont get that just because they use that jergens to rub one out and it doesnt burn that it might not feel great on/in your girl parts haha. Finally, these are probably the most personal but theyre important, do you pleasure yourself? If so, any pain? and when you clean yourself.. do you remain pretty much external with the sponge/cloth/hand and soap? or do you actually make an effort to clean inside?
  • @blessed1508, where is the cyst exactly? Did he suggest you do that while you are pregnant? and you mean bottle w hot water to drain the cyst right? (That sucks and is massively painful fyi, I probably wouldnt do it more than once if I were you either)
  • @lilbun915 ok I am a very blunt person I don't care lol ok so vein had been painful before I got pregnant yes he uses his mouth on me and yes I usually do get off from that. after I get off he has to get his do we have sex afterwards. he uses his fingers sometimes but he is semi rough so I tell him to stop

    I use whatever soap whatever is on sale I am cheap lol and he uses lotion for the massage. and no I have never masturbated. weird touching myself I will pass lol and when I clean myself I clean outside and like the inside around my lips .... ok I think i answered everything lol
  • @lilbun915 its like right on the inside of my lip at the bottom. yea told me to do it while pregnant. I wish I can just poke it with something. but me and bf tried it didn't work lol
  • @blessed1508 thanks for all the info!! GOOD TO BE BLUNT when it comes to these things :) I have an hour long class then I'm back to sittin in front of this computer so I'll post some suggestions then!
    In the mean time.. can you remember the brand of soap at all? or the brand of lotion you use?
  • @lilbun915 ok I will be waiting lol and irish soap or dial most the time. and I use olay lotion he uses suave
  • Ok! @blessed1508
    Here we go :) I would DEFINITELY avoid draining the cyst that way, especially during pregnancy. That method is sometimes recommended for at home treatment when the mass is on an area that is totally accessible and in an area that is strictly external. It is not necessarily dangerous.. but it effing hurts (excuse my language) and CAN cause bleeding and scarring on areas with even tough skin, so vaginal tissue isnt likely to turn out well.. it is very sensitive and requires gentle treatment. Im assuming your doc recommended it because the cyst is benign and from what I can tell it doesnt interfere with sex, reproduction or going to the bathroom but if it is irritating or uncomfortable for you you should have it taken care of. Ask your doctor if he would be willing to drain it for you (with a needle) or if he could please recommend someone who could. - poking it wont work haha, unfortunately you're not dealing w a big' ol zit.
    Now for sex.. 1. tell the boy he's working with an incredibly sensitive area when it comes to oral sex and when he uses his hands on you. like.. tell him to think of your clitoris like a little blueberry.. can't be too rough with those fragile little guys :) Same with when he penetrates you with his fingers or his penis, I hate to say this and he wont like it either but if you have to, compare it to something he might be able to relate to.. like "ok, how do you think it would feel if i did this to YOU" in the only place youve got..I mean, not to threaten him but it's important that he knows that he cannot be too rough on you, it DOESNT feel good and that tissue is sensitive stuff. Guys can generally be a bit more rough when youre actually having sex because the penis is made from virtually THE softest skin on the body.. notice how you don't ever have to moisturize your genitals? It's because there is an incredible system our bodies already have that keep those areas nice and soft.. anyway.. soft, slow, gentle.. for the time being. If you have a hard time getting off unless hes rough, get on top and do your thing. Contrary to popular belief, You can have sex is most any position you want during pregnancy as long as it is comfortable for you, you may notice that being on top gets harder as you get further along because there will be a bit more pressure on your cervix but if youre happy.. baby is happy.
    Soap, I don't blame you being cheap :) But, things are more sensitive during pregnancy so go to costco or somewhere and pick up enough hypoallergenic soap to last you til just after your due date. Dove makes some great ones for sensitive skin, so does neutrogena and then there is a brand called cetaphil that i really like. Irish spring can be kind of harsh, depending on what kind you get. I would just give it a try!
    Lotion, keep that stuff AWAY from the girl parts! It WILL cause burning!
    Try some classic KY Jelly, no scent, no taste, no "effect" for after foreplay, I'd be willing to bet it makes a difference.
    So, to sum up..
    Have your doc or a new one take care of that cyst.. it could be causing some uncomfortable pulling when you and your guy go at it.
    Hypoallergenic soap - I recommend unscented dove or neutrogena but you can also get generic brands from wherever, target usually has them right next to each other the generic will say "compare to dove hypoallergenic" usually
    NO LOTION OF ANY KIND near your bits!
    Get some lube and have some nice gentle fun :)

    Hope that helps! Let me know how it goes!
  • @lilbun915 o wow thank u and thanks for willing to explain everything in detail for me really appreciate it and I will let u know how it goes!! thanks again ... how do u know this stuff by the way? lol
  • Im a resident doc in Womens medicine! ANY TIME! :)
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