No arguing intersting stats for government assistance

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
No arguing but I found a site that gives u stats on people getting help in America...please don't bash any race or leave a negative comment cuz I didn't intend it for that purpose...u r allowed to post what u want but if u could just say that's intersting or good to know and not a comment of who gets what because as Americans every race gets help every age group

TANF approved apps
Average number of monthly applications received - 5,664
Number of applications approved - 2,581
Number of applications denied - 3,083

Medicaid facts
708 for minor children
$2,142 for adults
$10,691 for the elderly
$12,874 for disabled recipients

Foodstamps Stats
average household size of food stamp recipient households is 2.3 persons and the average gross monthly income is $640.
Children make up 51% of food stamp recipients, and 65% of them reside in single parent households.
In total, 79% of food stamp benefits are awarded to households with minor children.
The racial breakdown of food stamp recipients is as follows:

41% white
36% African-American
18% Hispanic
3% Asian
2% Native American
1% unknown race or ethnicity

I just thought this was an interesting site for stats

Please don't turn this negative


  • That's what its there for people who need help! :) its sad on how many people who need help tho.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I wasn't either @kerrideeRN nice bump
  • I'd just like to give ya'll my stats so that if anyone feels like being rude they can go ahead and reference this post..
    I am a young caucasian female, I just began my residency as a doctor in womens medicine which means i have a high level of education, I am unmarried and plan to remain that way for the foreseeable future, I also have an inoperable, incurable, untreatable genetic heart condition and I am on medicaid. I had a policy through blue cross blue shield that will end in June of this year. When I became pregnant they told me they would not be covering my pregnancy - I've tried everything and been through the wringer on this ladies. There are literally no other options for me, even if I wasn't in outrageous amounts of debt due to student loans I would not have the option to apply for a an insurance policy because of my pregnancy and heart condition.
    The stereotypes only amount to a small percentage of statistics - like everything.
  • oh, and, I can apply for my own policy once baby is here.. but in the mean time, I am thankful for state provided insurance.
  • I owe 50,000 in student loans I feel u @lilbun915
  • 50k is nothing. Wish we had that little. :)

  • Everyone needs assistance sometimes! I have been paying out of pocket fir my ob care. But i can no longer work due to high blood pressure. I recently applied for medicaid to help since i wont be able to work until after the baby comes.
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