holy cow this hurts

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
Hey ladies!! I'm 28 weeks and have a pretty bad bad pain way high in my thighs on both sides. Didn't do anything to pull a muscle and don't remember this with the others any ideas? Like i said its pretty bad not just a little sore


  • Its also a constant pain like for the last 6 hours. Well not when in laying down but uncomfortable to sit or stand
  • May be round ligament pain. I didn't have it with my first two but with all the rest of them i have had the same pain
  • Can that be in your inner thighs? I thought it was just in lower belly
  • Not to scare you but the lady at my WIC office told me that can be a sign of preterm labor. I have noticed my inner thigh muscles getting more sore but I feel like I am walking and standing different since my belly is getting big!
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