pink spotting

edited May 2011 in First Trimester
I'm six weeks today and this evening had some pink spotting on the toliet tissue after wipping. I've already called my mid wife and she assured me that it is normal for spotting although if I see red and have bad cramping go to the ER but I'm still nervous. I've gone to the bathroom two more times and am "clean" with no spotting but just shook me up. Anyone else have this?


  • It's normal :) Your midwife is right! Two clean wipes is an AWESOME sign and pink spotting is usually nothing to be concerned about. Early in pregnancy it is common for women to experience tiny tiny uterine lesions which are itty bitty tears in the uterine wall caused by all the crazy stuff going on, they can cause light spotting and clear themselves up on their own. They are visible in an ultrasound but usually women don't have ultrasounds this early so they pretty much go undetected... it can be a variety of things but 99% of time, pink and brown spotting are perfectly harmless. Truly the major signs are red, like real blood that you would see during your period and BAD cramps usually that include back pain as well. Light cramping is also normal in early pregnancy
  • Thank you lilbun.. I almost feel you calmed me down better than my mid wife!!! :)
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