did I really just do that?!

edited May 2011 in November 2011
Alright ladies...I made myself a fantastic grilled cheese sandwhich for lunch today. I sat down and started to eat it when.....

Just as I started to swallow, I sneezed. And chunks if grilled cheese sandwhich came out of my nose. It burned, it stung...it smelled bad...and for two and a half hours today, I blew chunk grilled cheese out of my nose. Methinks I will be unable to eat a sandwhich again for a very, very long time. Only me....


  • Aw I'm sorry that happened. I've done the same thing. But not grilled cheese. its pretty funny. But painful :(
  • lol thats so funny!!! but its ok before i got pregnant i was ate a restaurant eating a buffalo ranch chicken wrap and started laughing so hard at something a friend said and the wrap shot out of my nose and all over the table...i was so embarrassed!!
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