a very important statistic on getting induced!



  • I was induced 11 days late, they tried giving me pessarys (tablets that go up your nun don't know what they'll be called in america) but they done nothing so they broke my waters. Deliverd viginally labour from start to finish was 3 and a half hours no problems apart from a 2nd degree tear, but hey he was 9lbs 9.5oz. So this time round I'm actually scared of going into labor naturally cz I don't know what to expect and don't want it to last to long!
  • Pitocin, vaginal times 2
  • My water broke and I was given pitocin. I was in labor 12 hrs. It was ok but my sister req to be induced with my nephew they let her choose the day so I do think more women are requesting it.
  • My water broke with my first at 5am. My connections weren't coming so I was started on pitocin. I had her at 7:04pm vaginally. My water broke art 6pm with my second and again, no contractions. Started pitocin and had her at 12:15am vaginally.
  • @ lil_buggie I got the statistics from a parenting magazine.

    And omg all these women had vagina u guys r so lucky stupid statistics! Lol I would have loved to have a vaginal delivery.

    And pitocin is a drug used to start labor
  • I asked to get induced with both my children pitocin then they broke my water. Healthy vaginal delivery both times. I never lost my mucus plug eather time so had slight bleeding. Im just scared ill go into natural labor never done that b4! Lol
  • Everyone i know that was induced with pitocen had to have c sections! It makes you and the baby swell so bad that you can't even push the baby out... you should watch the documentary called "the business of being born" its very interesting
  • Water broken @ 5cm wit all 3... All vaginal deliveries within 2-4 hrs :)
  • Im about to watch that business of being born on netflix. I keep hearing about that
  • induced 3 times all three vag births.
  • edited May 2011
    This is an intense article, I'm not positive how accurate it is, though...


    I think the medication itself isn't always to blame, it's how it's used.

    Edit: check out this quote from the About page from the above site...

    This is the twelfth year in a row that the rate [of cesarian sections] has risen.  Rates of severe maternal morbidity have increased, yet maternal and infant mortality have not seen a decline with the aggressive use of this life saving surgery.
  • I was induced...gave me pitocin, broke my water and I had my little boy vaginally about 6 to 7 hrs later.
  • I was induced with 1st 6 hr labor and 3rd. 4 hr labor vaginal deliveries...pitocin...2nd went in to labor on my own 5 hr labor...all were 8 lbs+ baby boys
  • My midwfe starts outon the lowest dose possible of pitocin. They monitor you very carefully and i was the only patient the nurse was assigned to. I am having a induction with this one too but only because of medica problems with this pregnancy.
  • With my eldest I was induced, they broke my water and gave me an infection from it! Ended up having to do the c-section...ughh left that dr of course. With 2nd child had a scheduled c-section, my water broke on its own when I was getting ready for my scheduled c-section. Lol
    So now I wana try vaginal with my third in September! Doc says I have to sign waivers in case of risks occur ao she won't be responsible since shes totally against vbacs!! What should I do?
  • Induced after docs decided golfing was more important so they stopped labor then next day induced me. Ended up needing csection.
  • @mommy3tobe get a different doc or midwife! If she doesn't support u now, how is she going to be in labor? U need to believe in yourself!
    I have never been induced. But I have read important info about Cytotec: it is VERY DANGEROUS to use for induction that is not its intended use, its specifically NOT ADVISED by the manufacturer to use for this purpose, called an off label use (which should be illegal) and has high rates of uterine rupture!
    More interesting facts:
    Sex with orgasm creates a similar dose of natural ocytocin to the dose of pitocin u get at hospital.
    Semen contains prostaglandins like in the gel.
    Nipple stimulation also releases oxytocin.
    Accupunture or accupressure can help effacement.
    There r more fun & natural methods than a needle in ur hand, a monitor strapped to ur belly, a nurse watching the clock and the increased risk of surgery! Know ur facts, make informed choices and trust ur body. Good luck to everyone, no matter what u decide.
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  • With my first I was induced and wasn't even soft or ready ( due to my health high bp) I went the full 10 cm but my lil girls head was positioned wrong so had to hv a csection the second baby well she was transverse and I went into labor and csection it was
  • Induced with pitocin with both my kids and had them vaginally
  • @mommyof1soontob2 I feel my doc induced me for the same reasons, he had a Hawaii trip planned! Ohh I whish I knew better. I was dialated to about 3 after about 36 he's of consistent contractions. Thing is I've heard of ppl being in labor for several days. I had to get a c section afer all inducing, water breaking then the infection from that! I was cheated! !
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  • My insurance wont pay for elective csecrion. The doctor has to prove actual medical reason for one.
  • I was already 3 cm dialated before I got induced and I delivered only 3 hrs later, so my birth wasnt bad at all.
    My friend on the other hand was 2 days over her due date so she went in to get induced, she wasnt dialated at all nor the baby was dropped, she stayed at 5 cm for 12 hrs then ended having a c section because her baby wasnt engaging, needless to say, she had a horrible experience, and now im terrified of beeing induced again :-S
  • Had my first induced with pictocin was in labor for 3.5 hours and she popped out vaginally.... my second came naturally on her own.. with active labor only lasting 4.5 hours.... they were similar to me .. honeatly i couldnt tell you and differences ... im hoping tuis one is just as easy....( i doubt it cuz im aboit 12 years older now. )
  • I was induced. Had my son vaginally. Went in Thursday night put that pill in to ripen I believe. Started pitocin the next day. Saturday told me they were gonna send me home if nothing started to happen...water broke an hour later, labored for 6 hours and then had him! I didn't like the inducing experience, trying to avoid it this time.
  • @tiff87124 yeah, the site is obviously leaning in a specific direction. However, it is still possible to see from their examples that the medicine itself may not lead to a horrible experience, but that misuse of it can. The article is discussing misuse of pictocin, not normal use. And I believe people have misconceptions of the medicine based on it's misuse.
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