thankyou lord and thankyou ladies!!!!

ok so first off i would like to say thankyou to all the ladies who have supported me in my TTC with PCOS.. My dr finally called with my lab results.. 2 months ago my insulin was at 45.1, last month it was at 25.5... thanks to loosing 22 lbs! I pick up my metformin prescription tomorrow she has me on 1000 mg, for 3 months.. lets see how well this works...

secondly.. 2 weeks ago I wrote that i was having some trust issues with my husband.. I want to clerify a few things. and thank all the ladies who helped me make a decision... I called the jail, and they said, he didnt go to the hospital, there was no injury, if there was then he would of been taken off work detail... lie number 1... i clarified all the information with 3 of the 5 women my husband was seeing while we seperated. and its confirmed.. that 1 of them he continued to see AFTER we got married.... lie number 2... I wrote out a pro's and con's list of him the other night, and after 5 mins, i had 11 cons and zero pros'. 30 mins later still no pros.. i figured i was only seeing the negitive because I was so mad at him. but now a week later... still no pros'.... im starting to think him loving me is lie number 3....

@so i want to say thanku to:

you all have been a wonderful help to me in many ways, and I will deffinatly keep you updated on my life, thankyou for being so kind and loving!!!


  • awe sweetie I'm so sorry that things turned out like this, if I ever need to talk I'm here. Keep us updated. You'll be in my prayers
  • I hope everything gets better for you!
  • You are more than welcome! I wish you nothing but the best in all your future endeavors! I promise your blessing will come!

    I'm rooting for you
  • Aww your welcome hun!! We all just want the best for you and your future. Your a very strong women for doing what you did and you make a great ro-model to all of us!! Always update hun! We are always here for you.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • No problem. I hope everything works out for you!
  • Girl, I'm glad that things are going OK with some Good news and new strength! Wishing u nothing but the best of luck!
  • YAY for you and your Metformin, things will move so much faster now. Just be sure to eat and drink lots of water when you take the pills. It made my stomach upset for the first month.

    So glad you have a good dr helping you :)
  • Well things in the dark always comes to the light. Hope everything works out for u.
  • I hope everything works out for you.
  • From what I just read you will make the right decision. Good luck. :) and lots of cyber love. In the very non creepy way. Lol
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