Any Scentsy lovers on here?

edited May 2011 in Just for Fun
I love Scentsy. I got the breast cancer awareness warmer for my bridal shower and have fallen in love with it! Anyone on here love Scentsy? Or sell it? A lady has been trying to recruit me to sell it but I am undecided.


  • I don't sell scentsy but I have a book party every couple of months. Love scentsy! Even my husband likes them lol.
  • I love it and sell it!
  • Looooooove Scentsy! I am a Scentsy whore, if you will lol. ;)
  • @onemoreontheway Awesome! I was hoping there was another Scentsy lover on here besides me! I just placed an order- 6 bars for $25. I'm tempted to start selling because I hear the consultants gets nice discounts.
  • @Shae Really? Do you enjoy being a consultant?
  • edited May 2011
    I'm not extremely active I sell to friends family and coworkers. I do at least enough to keep me active. I like selling so I always have product for my personal use. My sister in law makes a good living off of it
  • I love scentsy! I have them in every room
  • @Shae Do you get decent discounts?
  • @TwinMamaToBe Me too! And I want even more, lol. There's just no stopping it.
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  • What is everyone's favorite scent? There are still several I haven't tried.
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe Well I don't know if they are flawless but I love that they are wickless and flameless. No fire around kids and pets and no mess. Just a simple lightbulb that melts the wax! It can also be used like a nightlight.
  • @Molly me too! Have you seen the little stuffed animals the scentsy buddies they have for kids, don't know if it would be safe for baby but they are cute!
  • @TwinMamaToBe Yes they are adorable! I want the lamb one for myself, lol! I will have to check if it would be okay to buy for a baby because if they are then they would be perfect as a baby shower gift.
  • edited May 2011
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  • @molly just checked not for children under 3, but I figure I can keep them in Nursery lilke on a night stand or dresser away from the babies they are just too cute!
  • I don't really get discounts but what I do is collect orders and then take the host benefits and then get 20% off of guest orders which basically pays me back for whatever I spend.

    My daughter has the lamb and my 16 year old son has the lion.

    One of my alltime favorite is Skinny dipping. But I also love the new Faerie Blossom smell...
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe Oh ok, lol, well the Scentsy warmer looks like a ceramic pot with a tray on top. There is a lightbulb inside the warmer that heats the tray. Then you can put a cube of wax on the tray and it will melt. The cubes of wax are sold as bars and one bar can last from 60-80 hrs!
  • @Reneerose0828 Is that the set that is $100? It comes with a ton of stuff!
  • @TwinMamaToBe That would be perfect! Do you have any of the Nursery warmers?
  • @Shae So does that basically mean that you never have to pay for any Scentsy? Because that is awesome!
  • edited May 2011
    So far I would say probably not. I will pay up front then get reimbursed the next month. For example I collected around $200 in orders from friends and coworkers I took the host benefits which was probably $25 free stuff plus 1-2 half priced items. I paid a total of probably $40 for $105 in products. Then the following month I was paid 20% commission equalling that.

    Also if you sign up for the warmer and scent of the month you pay $60 and get the warmer a brick about 5-6 bars a room spray and a tin. Which totals way more than $60 AND then I get paid commission on that. And then sell what I don't use.

    Once it becomes a hassle getting $150 in orders every 3 months I'm done. So far it hasn't been too difficult and I've been doing it for about a year now.
  • @Shae Wow! That makes me want to sign up right away! The thing is I just moved to a new city and don't know anyone yet. So I couldn't take orders from anyone but myself. I guess that wouldn't work out too well.

    Btw, what does it mean to sign up for the warmer and scent of the month? Is that only for consultants or can everyone do that?
  • Just for the consultant. It is well worth it if you get enough people to order regularly. I'm nervous that I'm gonna have to give it up soon. I'll be changing jobs this month and my coworkers are big buyers. I'm putting in one last order there before I give my notice.
  • edited May 2011
    Love Scentsy. I have never had them before and I took the chances of ordering without knowing the scents and I did pretty well. I absolutely love the lilacs one. The baked apple pie is a good one too. Just don't get the tins for the cars they suck! Total rip off. I was kinda disappointed that I spent the money on them! I have online parties here and there. But I agree I love Scentsy! Actually my mother in law told me that Walmart carries the bricks of scents for $2.00 and they work well also. Sorry not trying to ruin business here. I don't know how well those work though personally .
  • @Shae Hopefully your coworkers at your new job will be big buyers, too. Does selling $150 worth of products for 3 months still provide a decent income?
  • @momofSOONtobe7 Are you talking about the silver tins with the gel in them? I've never bought one but if they are a ripoff then I definitely won't!
  • Yeah the travel tins or whatever they are yes a rip off they suck sorry. I've put it in the sun I've opened it all the way and nothing really. My hubby says it stinks something fearse. But to me I Smell nothing at all. I bought the package deal of them and used one that's it. The stuff you get at the car wash smells and last longer then they do.
  • @momofSOONtobe7 Good to know! I won't be buying any of those then. Have you bought the scent circles? I've always wondered if those were any good.
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