
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I may be paranoid, but i had a m/c in Oct 2010. I was 7 weeks along. I went in to see doc he did the blood workup and pap and we did an ultrasound.. I had to have a vaginal ultrasound they couldnt see much on the regular one... after all the probing and going on i went through... i was bleeding by the time i left and had a m/c a few days later... I'm trying not to be a worry wart but I dont want anyone or anything inside me until i know my baby is safe in the 2nd trimester... I don't know what to do.... am i being crazy?


  • No, I had a miscarriage in the fall of 2009... I have had the same thoughts.
    But with all my pregnancies (this is my 4th) I've had a vaginal ultrasound... And didn't have problems.
  • No not at all. I am 26 weeks and still scared. I mc in feb 2010, its normal, I also have had a vaginal ultrasound and didn't have problems. The only reassuring thing for me is no spotting or anything, also feeling her move. Best of luck
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