no drama! but a question about csections!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I had a csection in december of 2009 with my first daughter due to some problems. It was schedualed and I enjoyed knowing when I was going to have my daughter and not having the pain of the vaginal birth and possibly breaking my pelvis (dr told me it was a huge possibility ) so my question and why I posted no drama is what do you women feel about csections? Do you think they are given to easily for woman who don't need them? Or do you feel that all woman are not ment to do vaginal?


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  • Not all woman are made for vag births. And some docs give the chioce of either births. I was given the chioce of a c section or vag since this was my last baby and I was getting my tubes tied. I personally don't see what the difference is. Either way your having the baby and either way you or the baby could have complications.
  • I think a c is a great medical advantage for people who need them otherwise the death rate and health problems would b worse. If u need one u need one. If u don't u don't. I think women that request them are a complete different story though. In my opinion a c should b last resort unless it was know in advance that the women and baby would benefit from it
  • edited May 2011
    I had one but I really didn't want was either c section or die tho...I think my doc is being lazy about the second one cause he told me theres no chance of a vbac
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  • I think if you tell your doctor you want a c-section and your doctor has told you the benefits and risks that you may face, it should be your decision as a woman and as a mother.
  • There are certainly times that a c-section is necessary. Can be related to positioning of baby, mother have certain risk factors, ect; there are many valid reasons for c-section. However, I do believe it has become too common in the US. Some doctors and some women maybe think it's an easy out? That's my guess. I don't think women realize that there are risks from any and all surgeries.
  • In my case the baby could have died and I figured that the safest way for my child to be born was csection. I just keep reading about all the celebs just having csections to have them and at times I feel that is wrong. But then I get conflcted and feel well its their body their choice andthe can do what's best for them.
  • My Dr way fat from impatient when I had my c section!!! I was in labor(hard)for 23 hours before he decided to do it. I wouldn't dilate past 6cm, my baby had a bowel movement, and I had a fever. I will definitely be having a scheduled c section in Nov! I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it and it doesn't make you any less of a mother!!
  • I think there are reasons to have a c-section. Having a c-section because you are afraid the vaginal delivery will hurt, is not one of those reasons! I want to have as natural a birth as possible, but if something were to happen and my doctor said we have to get him out now, well then we have to get him out now!
  • this is a subject of great debate and may start dramma.. my oppinion is yes.. they are given to woman that dont need them.. they should at least tried and seen if you could have it naturally.. my oppinion is.. the csec rate is way higher in the USA.. and we have the highest rate of infant mortality due tue medical intervention.. this is in comparison to other well developed countrys who have much lower rates of both.. They are need in some instances though.. they have there place and it should be as an emergency procedure.. and of course that includes multiples..
  • C sections have no bearing on what type of mother you are.. and who ever said that is just proposterouse.. good lord.. If anything the mom has to miss out on the first few hours with her baby.. I feel bad for a mom that has to get one.. not fair if you ask me..
  • I don't think anyone specially said it makes you less of a mother, but a girl yesterday said she felt like a failure. I'm a pretty thin girl and my Dr said my pelvis is very narrow...after 23 hours of labor I had a c section. The Dr said he should have done it soon cuz my baby was almost 9 lbs and things could have gotten bad.
  • I really hope it doesn't start drama. I didn't want it to at all. I just want to see points of veiw. I also believe its a very intamite thing and it soley depeneds on the mother and babies circumstances. But at times I feel like people get them just to skip on "their vagina being loose after " which I hear isn't true anyways. I think that's times when it is unnecessary. But I feel evry woman should also have a choice. Even tho a csection seems to b more dangerous since its a major surgery. I just hope more woman weigh the choice of the action and really look into it before deciding.
  • You can still make a birthplan if you have to have/choose to have a c-section that says that you want to touch the baby before they clean him off or have you bd/significant other go every where the baby goes. I don't think it makes you less of a mother, I just think that some doctors try to pressure patients in to them because they are impatient. Not all doctors do this and I am not saying that. I just think sometimes c-sections come to quick and they don't give a mother all the facts or the time to come up with an informed decision about what she wants to do.
  • I needed one after they neglected my warnings. They tried sayin I can't have vaginal but I coulda when they stopped my labor at 37 weeks. Long story short tht was 2009 and now they won't wanna even listen to my reasoning. My asswhole docs prefer csection and rarely let someone go natural and early. They stop labor just to do csection. So if its for good reason and safety I think it should b optional
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  • Personally I think they are sometimes given too easy. Like in my case with my first baby the reason I had a c-section was because my little girl was breech, but since I first saw my dr. She right away told me I was having a c-section but I told her I wanted a vaginal birth, she said ok. Then in the end I was scheduled for a c-section. I didn't even know there were ways to get the baby to turn until I got on pregly. If I would have known then I would have pushed more for vaginal. & this time around I'm having another c-section and because of pregly i found out about VBAC but my dr (same as last time) won't let me have one because my scar could open blah blah blah so that sucks. I know my friends dr. Even after a csection recommends vaginal unless the c-section is entirely necissary. Should have gone with her instead :/
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  • Well I am going on my 3rd pregnancy ----3rd c section. I had to have a c section the first time because my hip bones were too narrow for the babies head to pass my son went into stress and other things....needless to say an emergency c section with my second one, I was given a choice-------because of the complications with my first attempt for vag delivery I did not want to take the chance and put our 2nd child at risk.....I have no choice on the delivery of this one. After having so many c-sections you have a greater risk of tearing your tissue around the previous deliveries (so I have been told) even if it was an option again I WILL NOT put my last child through that type of situation. My bones have not changed (from examination) and the situation would still be the same. I do feel c-sections are an easy out for some dr's but in my situation it was needed. I did try vag first but it wasn't successful.
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