Should I be worried??

edited May 2011 in December 2011
I found out the Tuesday after easter that im having another baby! =D I called my dr the next day and had an appointment that Thursday to confirm everything...she did an exam and said I was about 6 or 7 weeks. I had an ultrasound yesterday and all there was was a lil black spot (the gestational sac) so they took some blood to check hcg levels and want me to come back Monday for more blood work and then on the 20th for another ultrasound! Im getting really nervous because of the appointments only being a few days apart and the dr not really telling me anything! Is all this normal or is something wrong?? I still have no due date but im guessing new years eve...


  • I sure hope so! They just act like something not so sure that I trust my dr, I had called 3 weeks before I found out because the last time I started was jan 27th, I told them I thought I was pregnant but all they wanted me to do was take some pills to make me start without them seeing me first! It didn't seem right so of course I didn't do it and now im very glad I followed my heart!
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  • I wouldn't worry about not seeing much on the u/s this is my second baby too and we had the same thing happen, turns out I ovulated 2 weeks late so my dates were 2 weeks out, I thought I was 7 weeks but was only 5 and they can't see much on a u/s at that point, went back 2 weeks later and bubs was there. The reason they would be doing 2 sets of bloods really close together is to check your hgc levels to make sure they are going up and bubs is still growing... goodluck xox
  • Thanks y'all...this go around is just totally opposite of my first! I had Medicaid with my first so I had very few dr to pick from but I ending up loving my dr and hating his now that I have insurance I thought I would use my dr from when I was younger. I also way over think things so that could be most of my problem! Lol
  • I had the same thing and turns out I just wasn't as far along as I thought. HCG levels had doubled and the second ultrasound showed the baby growing.
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