kids durin u/s

just wondering what everyones opinions are on this. my bf has a 3yr old from a prev. relationship we also have a 2yr old. my ultrasound is in 2days an I'm torn whether I want them there or not. I know kids that age can get bored quickly an I want bd there w me the whole time an share this special moment. mostly feel like this cuz he wasn't there the 1st time an it was sad an happy. I want them to be apart of this an know/see what's going on but if they don't go I think ill regret it cuz who knows they could perfect. I got 2 days to decide!!! lol


  • my daughter was sayn mommy the whole 30 min and getn up on a chair tryna kiss me lol
  • I'm torn on this too, but I think I'm going to leave her with my mom. There's always that small chance you'll hear bad news at this us and I don't want her there for that.
  • a lot of times if its a medical us they will only let you have 2 people with you.I took my 12 ye old once. but if I had younger ones I most likely wouldnt
  • mine are older so i tried to have them at everyone i could. My son is almost 11 and my daughter is 9. They were so amazed
  • awww that's so cute :) I know our 3yr old would be more interested in what's going on but I don't kno. they can be a handful!!!!
  • I plan on bringing my 7 year old but will have my bf and my mom there so if anything my mom can watch my son.
  • I want my son to come to my second one, he's 2 and a half and that's going to be my way of explain to him that theres a baby in my tummy and that its his brother/sister and then we'll go from there :)
  • At that age I did not bring mine. When I had my 2nd daughter, my first daughter was 3 I felt she was too young to concept. Now I'm pregnant again and brought my 6 soon to 7 yr old and she enjoyed it but did not bring my 3 yr old
  • My Doc office allows up to 5 people and no kids under 8yrs! Dont know if that helps.
  • I brought my 2 and 3 yr old to everyone of mine but they behave well in public, I always brought them a sucker as a back up plan.
  • I took my 2 year old son with me...made sure he had a snack tho...he got a little bored but for the most part he was well behaved
  • good point I gotta check an see if they would even allow it 1st. when he's by himself he's usually good he's gone to all my appts so far an sits quietly an reads books. but w the 2 of them they're just wild. if they were older id def bring them. I just feel a little guilty about it. its the best way for them to understand it all tho. thanks for all the input much appreciated! :)
  • I took my 5 year old she wouldnt stop talking but she was happy
  • I've taken my 2 year old to all my ultrasounds. They actually have toys in the room so he plays and watches the baby on the screen :)
  • My 3yr old has gone to all mine so far. He loves watching the picture on the screen. He says im having a monkey named oopsy. Lol. I love my 3yr old. He's a sweety and very well behaved.
  • My hospital wont allow anyone under 8 either :( but you can have up to 4 in thee room with you during the ultrasound.
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