Anybody here in Idaho?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I just moved here from phx az after living there my whole life, & now i'm in a small town with no family/ friends & i'm having kind of a rough pregnancy. Is anyone from here or know what its like to move from a big city to a small town?


  • Where are you at? I don't live in Idaho, but I am from there and most my family live there.

    Also, how far along are you and how old? I am 27, 38 weeks and I am having a girl, already have a 4 yr old son. Welcome!
  • Whereabouts are you? Born and raised and living I'm Po-dunk, Idaho. 12w 5d. Why the rough pregnancy? Physically? Emotionally? Mine started rough but is starting to get better. Hang in there!!!
  • I'm a Massachusetts girl, moved to pocatello 1 1/2 yrs ago! Only ttc right now... where's everyone live?!?! @madilynn37 @bke913 @sassypants
  • I'm in Payette, i'm 24weeks 5 days. I have a 16 yr old son & a 2&1/2 yr old babby girl. Sorry it took so long to respond but I was on the way to the er. @bke913. @sassypants physically & emotionally I guess. @mrsrocketfield1221 thanks also for responding, is where u live now far from Payette? & thanks for everyone who has responded, i really appreciate it.
  • I'm actually in Utah, but was born in Boise, lived there and Idaho Falls until I was 6 then moved to Utah. My family is all over the place... Burley, Heyburn, Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, Pocatello, Boise, Nampa, Mountain Home, Grandview and Jerome lol.
  • How do u like utah? Better than boise?
  • I lived in Pocatello, but my mom lives in Blackfoot. I visit whenever I can. I'm 33 weeks along, almost there :)
  • Well...considering I have basically been here my entire life and haven't spent much time in Boise, I would say yes I like it more lol. @madilynn37
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  • I reside in Nampa. Payette isn't far from me, about 45 minutes. I'm so sorry you are struggling, you can vent on me anytime you want.
  • many idahoans! I'm 23, also 23 weeks along (I was born on 9-23 so I guess 23 is the magic number lol) and I live in boise with my fiance. Sorry to hear your having a hard time but remember your not alone! Like sassypants, I'm here if you want to talk. I don't have a great support system and shauns parents have passed away so its kinda just us at this point :) I'm around if you want a friend :)
  • @sassypants thank you. That's where the costco is that I go to! We should have lunch sometime. @momtob thanks, I don't have a support system either. I would love a friend, I'm not to familiar with boise maybe you can give me a tour sometime. @mzmommy1st where is pocatello?
  • @madilynn, pocatello is 45 mins away from Idahofalls. Or like 4 hrs away from Boise, depending on how u drive and traffic
  • @lil_buggie_3 i'm from Monson MA, about 30 mins from Springfield -western mass

    @mzmommy1st me too! lol "pokey"

    @madilynn37 my hubby said payette is about 4 hrs from here, is what where you are?

  • sorry, is *that* where you are
  • Idaho is my second home. But I'm more of a rez girl as I am an enrolled member of the Nez perce tribe. So my family lives in lapwai mostly, but also kamiah, kooski and stites. I got 3 horses in kamiah, how I wish I could ride em! And swimming along the salmon river where you'd find me in the summer lol!
  • I live in Idaho too. I actually moved from a small town to a smaller town.
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 I think so, im right by the snake river & the closest town to me is onterio. @honeybunny what town did u move from? Where are you at now?
  • @madilynn37 I moved from Logan ut to Preston id just 30 minutes away.
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