really scared baby isnt growing right :(

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Ok I'm 14 weeks and 3 days and I can only feel my uterus right where your pubic hair is at the top below stomach my mom says it should be up higher a little higher up my stomach below my belly button but I can't feel it. I know its heart is still beating because of fetal heart monitor I have is baby just not growing right ? Omg I've found something more to stress over fml. Help please ?.


  • 14w.I don't think it would be by your belly button yet...I honestly don't feel mine.I don't even know what a uterus feels at my 16w appt.when my doc was finding the hb it was by my pubic bone and I'm measuring good.I'm 22w now.
  • Yea I know baby has a hb still I'm constantly checking , but I feel the hard spot that's my uterus really low too Idk she's a nurse but not in the baby field I go to the doc on the 18th so ill see. I dont think a baby can stop growing if it still has a heart beat but I just constantly worrying
  • Everyones body is different. Not every baby measures the same. If there's a heartbeat then the baby is fine
  • @mommy2be77 mine was low aswell for a long time and am still carryin low once ur in the 20s baby will move up
  • i hate to tell u this but... mother doesnt always know best sweetie!! things are probably fine! u need not to worry unless a doc tells u this! now u have all kinds of un-needed stress!! im almost 13 weeks and mine isnt to my belly button so i wouldnt take much consideration to her words at this moment. and if something is wrong there isnt much u can do about it so plz dont get urself to worked up :)
  • im 14 weeks and i can feel mine in the same spot as you @Mommy2Be777 i think your okay just went to doc today had to do blood work and he said i was okay when he checked my belly
  • I know everythings gunna be ok babys heart is still beating strong . Thanks ladies
  • When I was 14 wks I was measuring early so no worries.
  • I dnt think its to ur belly button tell ur like 20 weeks... I'm 20 weeks n she bearly got ther.. so dnt wry.. just wait n see wat ur dr tells u
  • edited May 2011
    My midwife said mine should be just a tiny bit below my belly button and I'm 13 weeks, which according to her it is cause she can feel it, I can't feel anything though, so I wouldn't worry to much
  • When I was 17 weeks midwife checked and said she not moved up still (same area as you) and she said this is perfectly normal and they don't expect baby to move up intolerable in 20 weeks. My baby girl has now moved up and I can feel her moving and kicking about. I would say don't worry and mother doesn't always know best! Mine gets it wrong regularly! X x
  • Sorry meant to say " until" not intolerable! Predictive text is a pain! X
  • im carrying really really low. i get kicks in my belvic bone & im 24 weeks. but my uterus i can feel her moving above my belly button now, she moved up.
    but even if your baby is healthy & has a heart beat it can stop growing, my fiances mom all 3 of her babies stopped groming at 30 weeks & were 4 pounds when they were born. im not trying to scare you, i just saw that you put you dont think they can stop growing if it has a heart beat....i feel mean saying that :(
    im sure your baby is fine, i have horrrible fears too. its natural. i guess we will never stop worring.
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  • yea her babies were perfectly healthy, no health problems they just chose to stop growing.
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