can you have a negative result 1st response early results test 4 days before your missed period?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My fiance has all the symptoms to being pregnant: brown discharge, fatigue, tummy cramps, back aches, broken out face, sore tender and numb breasts, nipples darker and bigger and she's suppost to have her period Thursday but no signs of it yet! We had sexual intercourse while she was fertile and ovulating but she took a test this morning and it was negative :( is it still to early?


  • Yes its possible that its still to early to test. The tests are usually most accurate the day of the missed period and after.
  • Yep and taken first thing in the morning
  • It could be early or not mine was detected around that time but just a very very light pink line. Are you sure hers didn't have a light pink line? But also she maybe pregnant but not giving off enough hcg (pregnant hormone) yet. Like it might not be enough for the test to detect it yet. But ide stick with first response pregnancy test they worked well for me the detected me pregnant before I had my missed period. Just keep in mind that if one lines darker then the other it still means she pregnant and look for that light pink line you may have to wait a few more minute just to see if a light pink line pops up
  • I was in the same situation. Convinced myself I wasn't and 4 weeks later I was.
  • Still negative test results :(
  • Make sure there isn't a light pregnancy line. With a few of my pregnancies it was a little too early and the line was pretty hard to see. If she is having all the symptoms than definitely test again.
  • I've stared and stared lol I don't see anything :(
  • Wait a couple more days. I tested negative 4 days before, and then positive (very light line) 2 days before missed. Good luck! (PS, I used 1st response )
  • Okay thank you
  • I tested the day of my period, it was negative. Still no I took another 4 days after my missed period...positive!! Then I took 5 more... All still positive!
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