early signs labor is coming

I'm 39 weeks 4 days and this weeks I've been feeling kind of nauseous on and off and I've also had looser stool. I'm looking for anything as a sign I'm so ready can anyone relate? Also when I go walking after about 10 min I start to get pains and have to stop but they aren't contractions is it the baby just pushing on my pelvis?


  • Im 35 weeks and have been feeling like im getting period cramps. I think my body is getting ready.
  • I was told nausea is a sign wen I told my mom the 1st time I was nausea again she knew Sophia was on her way &&she came that sat. This happened on a Monday btw. Good luck
  • I hope its a sign. Thanks
  • sounds good won't be long, im 38+1 n nausious 2 so hopefully its a good sign all the best xx
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