OMG my hubs just made me throw up!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So he farted and i as i was walking to the kitchen i walked right through the smell! And i was really glad i was right by the bathroom! :0& Why must men do this to us!!


  • I threw up 3 times this morning after I picked up my dogs' poop while walking them. Twice in the grass and once in the street.
  • Omg! My bf were in the car yesterday and he farted...I threw up out of a moving car :(
  • I'm so sorry I can't stop giggling. Throwing up sucks so bad but this has thrown me into a straight giggle fit.
  • My bf thinks its hilarious too :(
  • Omgggg! I hate dat!! My bf farts in da morning & it smells soooooo badd! I tell him nit to do it cus it makes me naseaus but he doesnt believe me. He did it dis mornin && i threw up all in da bed && i made him clean it. Lol. I bet he wnt do it anymore!!
  • Haha I love you ladies! And trust me I giggle aout it too but he's a man and going to fart! That was time it made me throw up though lol
  • @jwigs I'm jealous that you were able to throw up in the GRASS!! all I see is mounds and mounds of snow!!! Lol
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