Help? I had my first appointment.

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
So this past week I've been spotting, slightly cramping, and had pretty bad lower back pain, also my symptoms seemed to have disappeared. I was really worried about a misscarriage and thought it was inevitable due to the amount of stress I've been under and not being able to relax and get proper nutrition. So I went to my first appointment today. It was really short. Just an ultrasound. He saw the baby and it measures up to expected size at 9w1d and you could see the heartbeat. Does this mean I'm in the clear and all that was me being paranoid? Or can the heart still be beating and last week just hasent caught up?


  • If the heart is still beating then the baby is still there :-) good luck
  • You should be ok but remember you can still have a mc up until your 12th week once your in your second trimester your good.
  • Ur in the.clear babys.fine just take it easy till u hit ur 2nd trimaste cuz.chances of.misscarriage goes.down
  • Sorry for the miss spelled.words in my post.darn touch screens phones
  • I went to the bathroom about 5 hours after my vaginal ultrasound. I'm spotting worse and there were lots of little dots, I'm assuming clots. And I had one dark maybe nickel-sized clot. I try to look it up online and all I get is miscarriage stuff. :(
  • I spot after every vaginal us.
  • You should call your doctor in the morning
  • Please call in the morning, some ppl say they have clotting and that its normal but thats how it started for me, I mc last thursday
  • I hope it stops. :/ I don't quite know whom to call. My appointment was very quick and impersonal. I'm not scheduled for another 4 weeks. I expected spotting, but the clot caught me by suprise. It was just the one, and really teeny-tiny little specks.
  • yeah almost looks like coffee.grounds when you pee right
  • :( not a good sign I'm pressuming. WELL anything can happen. Baby was going strong at 3 this afternoon. So I'm realllyyy hoping it's just from the ultasound. If it doesnt stop by tomorrow, or clear up soon, I'll definantly have to call.
  • Like I said lots of women have this type of bleeding and have perfectly healthy babies, but its best to let your doc know exactly what's going on
  • I think I'll call tomorrow. Seeing my peanut today hit me hard. It's real now and I want nothing more than my healthy baby. I don't want things to go wrong so soon after seeing it with its little heart a-beating. D: I know if a miscarriage happens, its going to happen, can't stop it. :/ but waiting around is so hard.
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