sleep....whats that?

edited May 2011 in Sleep
Is anyone else 30+ weeks and hardly sleeping at all? Idk what to do...any suggestions?


  • I'm up on& off all day. I work nights but if I try to sleep it's 3 solid hrs if that. My body pillow isn't helping anymore. I'm 33w.
  • I recently bought a body pillow and it ended up on the floor. I'm 35 weeks and this just started about a week ago and its miserable
  • Yes I'm 33 wks and have had even more trouble sleeping since third trimester. My son and hubby go to bed at 8-830pm every night but even if I lay down I can't. My pillow fort sometimes help, or if I get a massage by my hubby before laying down. Sometimes a warm bath helps, but it changes.
  • I'm 38wedks and now its like even when I do fall asleep I feel like I'm not fully sleeping. I dunno if that makes sense. I usually don't get good sleep until my hubby leaves for work at 6am bit then I sleep toll like noon.
  • @seifer12211 Well sometimes I could go to sleep at that time because my sleep schedule is so messed up cause I have to take it where I can get it but I'm afraid to go to sleep that early cause I don't wanna be awake at 3 in the morning...
  • I think it's good practice when the baby's arrive. We are already sleep deprived. I just want a full 6hrs without tossing once, coughing bc I can't breath, or heartburn so bad it makes me vomit.
  • im only a little over 10 weeks and I'm even having a hard time sleeping. my belly feels huge and im normally a stomach sleeper. its gonna be a long 30 weeks..... (:|
  • I also try watching boring tv and try thinking happy thoughts lol like trying to start my dreams by daydreaming of my lil family
  • @navybabyonway I'm the same way. But I don't sleep that long. It just feels like the best sleep but lately if my hubby isn't here when I go to sleep I might as well not even try...
  • I would honestly rather have 3 or 4 hours of good sleep than tossing and turning all night. You know its bad when u start tossing and turning during your day naps
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