Questions about breastfeeding!!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
So I kno there are a lot of benefits to breast feeding but I was curious to know how it works...
I was told tht whn u breast feed your uterus goes down faster and that you don't have a period...
also If you breast feed can you also formula feed?
Anything else to know about breast feeding
Thanks =)


  • I did read that sometimes parents do use formula for a break (on the boobies I guess) but not too often.

    Also check out
  • Check out the Le Leche League ( This is my first pregnancy so I don't know anything from personal experience, but there is a lot of info out there. A few important things to know...

    Breastmilk is more easily digested by baby and provides some immunity because the mother passes it on in the breastmilk.

    Breastfeeding is all about supply and demand. The more you nurse, the more your body will produce. If you supplement with formula, you may not produce as much breastmilk as you expect because your body will begin reducing the amount it produces.

    Breastfeeding burns a lot of calories so it may help you loose the baby weight; also will help your uterus contract back down to size due to hormones that are released when you breastfeed.
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