can you pump breasts instead of latching on?

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I want to breastfeed but I am uncomfortable with the whole latching on thing. I have a pump and was wondering if I could pump breast milk from day one or if it doesn't work like that? Anyone have input?


  • You can but I hear your milk will dry up quicker.
  • U can, and no it won't. And if u have a male pediatrician who keeps sayin u should be gettin more on the first day than u do, give him the look, like it gonna rip his balls off if he doesn't go away, lol!! Yeah I had an over-zealous ped, I'm speaking from experience. If the nurses and lactation consultant are satisfied, u r good to go... I told my ped if he didn't leave me alone I was gonna stick that thing on him and see how much he gets! :-D
  • Yes you can it requires a lot of dedication you will need to pump every 2-3 hours day and night to begin with to get your supply going and have enough for a newborn.
    If you can try feeding from the breast first it may not be as bad as you think either way your baby will be getting your milk which is brilliant.
    Good luck hun :)
  • Im going to breastfeed as well and was thinkin about pumping from the get go..but...maybe it will be better to let him latch on for a long do u think before i can go to pumping into bottles?? I know its not good to do both because they can get nipple confusion, right?
  • My son did both and never had a problem. However, all babies are different.
  • Thank you for your insight. I guess I will speak with my doctor about it.
  • I pumped from the start and never breastfed cause the twins were in NICU. I have several friends who have also. while it is a pain in the neck to pump every 3 hrs it can be done. Good luck hope it works out for you
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