never felt this before

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I was at work today and it felt like the baby was in my vagina scratching it, it hurt so bad and it happened about 10 times has anyone ever felt this?


  • ive felt my baby hitting me down there but it didnt hurt.. if it hurts u really bad maybe u should call ur dr.. are u thinking of calling?
  • It hurt so bad my manager thought I was ready to deliver,I only felt it those few times I was goin to call but I didn't wanna look stupid cus it isn't happening right now
  • Sometime the baby can bounce on your nerves and it sends shooting pains through your pelvis/vagina...that could be it. I know it stops me in my tracks sometimes.
  • For me it feels like the baby is just bouncing or kicking my cervix, it makes me worried he will just kick my mucus plug out!
  • Hm, not scratching but I feel like he's trying to push himself out.
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