i hate this feelin of unrealness!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm bout to be 14 wks.. & Idk why I'm so scared that the next time I see my Dr she's gonna tell me there's no baby in there.. :/ that's how I felt b4 my 10th wk u/s & now that feeling is back! My cuzin carried her dead baby for bout 2 wks not knwing it was dead! Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm just paranoid!.. anyone ever felt this? /:


  • I'm 17 weeks, and still feel that way.. I hope it gets better when I can feel her!
  • I worry about that, too. I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow. Apparently, we'll be moms and this is only the beginning of a lifetime of worry. sigh....... :-S
  • I'm 15 weeks and I don't feel pregnant as much... I had a missed miscarriage at around 7 weeks but when I went in for my 9 week ultrasound the baby had nno heartbeat... I was quite sad and devastated... so I hope and pray your baby is fine as well as mine!! Keep me updated

  • Yeaa I wanna feel it daily so I knw its ok!

    ugh i knw lol so much worryin ahead :l/

    @sunsh1neonme I'm so sorry to hear that! & yes I pray baby is ok! I have my next appt may 23 so ill be sure to let u knw how it goes :)
  • I'm 18 weeks 5 days and feel my baby on a daily and it still hasn't hit me.
  • I'm 24 weeks and I feel her move, but I convince myself that it's my stomach or gas. It still doesn't feel real to me even though my belly is growing. I feel like I'm just getting a big fat stomach (I was overweight before pregnancy). On top of all of that, I have absolutely no symptoms. No morning sickness in the beginning, no heartburn,no cravings, etc. I think it will feel real when I'm on the delivery table.
  • @newmommy_navywife I heard it takes a while to hit lol but at least u can feel it! 18 wks feels so far away
  • @cdswim wow no morning sickness! Lucky! Lol I just hope these fears of mc go away soon.. its what really gets to me
  • Its not!!!!! Lol I can honestly say now that I'm here it went so effin fast! Now it seems like delivery is forever away.
  • @happiestmommietobe The fears will go away. I also had the fear of miscarriage because of a previous missed miscarriage (happened at 8 weeks). I got a fetal doppler around 12 weeks so that I could check the baby's heartbeat everyday to ease my fear. Now, after all the ultrasounds and amnio, I feel much better and don't worry myself about it.
  • @newmommy_navywife Yeaa that's like an eternity away from me lol

    @cdswim Yeaa hopefully it goes away as I go along! Cuz its a torturing feeling!
  • Lol when are you due? My dd is Oct 5th.
  • Im 23 weeks feel her move all the time an she only sleeps on one side i can feel where shes sleeping.. i rub her sometimes i wake her up jus to be sure.. but i still feel worried, i dont think that feeling would go away until shes here..
  • Lol awww....in time for thanksgiving!
  • Oh yeah, I was so worried before I went to my second doctor appointment. I was afraid we weren't going to hear a heartbeat, but sure enough we did! It's so reassuring now when I can feel baby moving around, but then again I will get worried if I think I haven't felt movement in a while. I still can't believe I'm going to have another baby, it's like it's too good to be true!!!
  • @carrielee I'm going for my sec appt soon so I hope everything is good! I'm so scared..
  • Im 39 wks and still get nervous when we listen to the heartbeat at Dr appointments. After having a previous miscarriage I probably wont fully relax until I give birth
  • @kayleigh27 wow! Ur almost there yay :)
  • @kayleigh27... that's. Exactly how I feel.... u don't worry about things like that until it happens then u worry about everything!!
  • I was worried about the same thing when I went to my 16 week appointment this morning. Heard the heartbeat and everything was fine but I think ill worry up until I have the baby in my arms.. Then I'll just worry about something else (if the baby eating enough, warm enough, etc lol)!
  • Omg its never ending worries! But its a wonderful experience :)
  • Oh my gosh I know just what you mean! I have an appt Thursday and I am so worried they will tell me they can't find the heartbeat...I am 17 weeks today, had a dating ultrasound at 11 weeks and saw bean complete with heartbeat, heard it at the 13 week appointment but I am still waiting for the other show to drop, so to speak...my mom and husband tell me all is well and stop worrying but I just can't! I am praying for all of you and your babies, hoepfully we will all get through this with flying colors! >:D<
  • @1stimerarmywife Awww u totally get me! At 10th wks my Dr said baby was perfectly fine & now I'm just like ugh especially cuz of all this pelvic pain!
  • Oh my gosh I know!! Well, just know that while you are freaking out I am probably freaking out at the same time! :p I have been having some mild period like cramps and I hoof it to the bathroom to look for blood...gosh, I feel crazy sometimes! I hate only going in once a month too, I mean, that's a long time! I am sure I will change my tune when I need to go like every2 weeks but for now, I am super anxious! I will do my best to relax if you will too!!! :)
  • @1sttimerarmywife ill try really hard with all my soul lol I feel better cuz a lot of girls feel just like me.. & I totally run to the bathroom everytime I get a pain lol Aaa paranoid mommies!
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