Ugh stupid arm

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
My right arm likes to fall asleep on its own. I could be laying on my left side n there it goes falling to sleep. I could be eating n again falling to sleep. Or I can be trying to write something n it feels a little uncomfortable. Its so annoying n it frustrates me. Anybody else with this problem?


  • Yes I have this problem often sometimes its painful and I can't sleep I looked it up the other say and its says its normal that most pregnant women get what's called carpel tunnel syndrom I need to ask my doctor what I need to do about it looked it up and get more info see if you have the symptoms
  • Mine is doing the same thing.. its driving me crazy. I asked and someone said maybe a pinched nerve or baby laying on nerve but I'm only 12 weeks pregnant.
  • I thought to myself Carpel Tunnel but was like no I couldnt have that. Im going to look it up. Im gonna ask my doc about it I have an appt tomorrow morning. Thx for responding girly @classynpregnant20
  • Def. driving me crazy like right now its falling to sleep as I'm writing this. I just want it to go away already.
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