38 weeks and feeling 'different'

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
im 38 weeks pregnant and for the last couple of days ive not been feeling myself. my appitite has decreased, i feel light headed, nausea is happening again. and i just feel lowsy. im getting stronger BH which are getting very uncomfortable. and im getting backache worse each day. is this normal? could it be a sign that things are gunna start soon. ive not had a show yet and the last time i was at the midwife she hadnt dropped. ive got an appointment wiv her 2moro but just wanted to know what u ladies thought. thanx. oh and baby is very active :-)


  • I never had a "show" with my two kids.... my last one i too woke up the day before my due date and felt different.... labor started that day... and she arrived the next morning... trust ur instincts... make aure u are packed and ready to go in case the time comes quickley....
  • I feel the same way im 37wks but the difference is my baby is not active and she always active, i have an app tomorrow im goint to ask my doc bc im a litter worry....but girl i know what u feel same here
  • I am 38 weeks and haven't lost my mucus plug. I have had some strong contractions off and on and constant back pain. Also had lots of pressure down there. It all sounds normal to me and its your body getting ready for labor.
  • It is very normal. Could be today, could be another week. Try to relax, sleep and go for short walks. Stay hydrated too. Good luck, ur almost there! I had a little show with my first but not enuf to be sure of what it was.
  • Im 37wk and no" show" either. I didn't have one with my 1st either. I have been feeling almost exactly the same as u for the past few days just no BH. Decreases appetite and feeling sick are signs of labor starting soon. Pooping way more often than usual is a sign too
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