worst day everrr.

todays my ultrasound day been super excited an woke up feeling like crap :( an lost my cookies this morning an still feeling very nausous from that :( I wanted today to be good. I felt awesome yesterday even told my dr that my new meds been working great but I guess I spoke too soon..... :( just want to crawl back into bed an reschedule. just don't feel good @ all.


  • Don't you dare reschedule! Lol you will feel totally better once you see that precious baby on the screen.
  • I hope you feel better soon. Feeling crappy is no fun. Rest as long as you can, then go see your lil one, then go back home and rest. Have some gingerale or sprite to drink, it may help. I'm sorry your feeling yucky.
  • yay! so I did go and its a baby girl! :):)
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