has anyone else had a positive culture???



  • @soontohavethree oh I'm 18w3d. I probably wont get tested for gestational diabetes because I've got type 2 already. But its very well controlled. I don't remember them swabbing me with my first child (11yrsago) & id remember a dr up my butt. Lol idk wat this dr gots planned but ill ask.
  • @one5one I don't remember then around my bottom either and my last wad only 20 months ago. But I do know the did a regular exam with both of my pregnancies the other was 6yrs ago. Hmmm maybe it just varies from Dr to Dr.
  • Well dr did an exam at 6w3d. Along with a pap. He said all was good so I guess I'm ok.
  • @one5one and @amab13 they test between 35 and 37 weeks. You usually will start your weekly appointments and get your cervix checked at that time as well. It is a bacteria 30% of women carry, it is harmless to you and it is NOT an STD and if you test positive it means IV antibiotics every 4 hours during labor so the infection doesn't harm the baby, even though the chances are rare, even without antibiotics its not a risk worth taking. There is nothing you can do to not have it and it comes and goes throughout your life so you will be tested every pregnancy for it. It is just a small vaginal/rectal swipe that you can't even feel. :)
  • @amab13 no problem hun :) I didn't know before I had it done and tested positive with my first either.
  • Thanks for the info!! @MommyOfTwoPrincesses
  • @calisbabygirl how far r u I'm 30 weeks prego and my doc did an std test where they swab the inside of ur vagina but he didn't swab my rectum but when I got a papsmear at my first appt they swab ur vagina and rectum at least they did mine as far as getting a positive result idk I've never gotten one
  • @calisbabygirl how far r u I'm 30 weeks prego and my doc did an std test where they swab the inside of ur vagina but he didn't swab my rectum but when I got a papsmear at my first appt they swab ur vagina and rectum at least they did mine as far as getting a positive result idk I've never gotten one
  • edited May 2011
    @junebug86 she's talking about group b strep hun, its not an STD, its a bacteria 30% of women carry that is harmless to us but can be harmful if you pass it on to the baby. Its tested between 35 and 37 weeks and if you test positive you get IV antibiotics every 4 hours during labor.
  • I have a culture done every four wks I have only had one bacteria infection but he just gave me a prescription that lasted a wk.
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses ok thanks I'm only 30 weeks and none of my other pregnancies lasted past 28 weeks so I've never had one done
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