Good-bye sleep :(

edited May 2011 in Sleep
I delivered my precious baby about 2 weeks ago and it seems I havent really slept since then. I know tht this is normal but this is my first child and Im still learning in the process. I sometimes find myself falling asleep trying to feed him. Can anyone tell me when baby's sleep schedule will get better?


  • All babies are different just make sure you sleep when the baby does, congratulations by the way
  • You should be coming to a break here really soon...I've had 3 and it seems to change at about 3 to 4 weeks...I usually lotion mine down to make them wake up for feeding and then make sure they eat all there dinner and stay up a lil longer so they will sleep...use more lotion or change a diaper if you need to to make them wake opinion
  • My baby is a lil over 4wks & some nights he will only wake up 1 in the night to eat sometimes he stays up late just crying im alsi a ftm & I forgot what it means to sleep
  • My daughter is almost 5 and has never once slept through the night!! Just like nearly 25 and have never once slept through the night
  • Are you napping when he does? I did with my youngest and it really made a difference
  • My first slept "through the night" (6 hours straight) at 6 weeks. Hopefully that helps... I felt like a Human again! ;) Hang in there... soon you won't be able to remember what your baby was like at this age & you'll forget how tired you were & wish you could have it all back. <3 :ar!
  • I have NO Idea how that pirate got in there! Weird damn phone! :/
  • Sleep when they are sleeping..
  • My first baby is almost 3 weeks old so I know how u feel! She's getting somewhat of a pattern tho...hope you get some sleep soon!!! ;)
  • I hate to tell you this but our daughter didn't regularly sleep "through the night" (6 hrs straight) til after a year. The first several times she did it and we woke up before her I worried that she had died. I hope your baby sleeps better soon and agree with the other ladies sleep when your baby naps. Even 4 straight hours will feel like a miracle. And its ok to leave them in the bed while ur nursing (as long as you haven't been drinking or taking drugs, prescription or otherwise)
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