I have never gone into labor on my own. With my son I was induced at 38 weeks and 4 days. With my daughter I was induced 4 days after her due date. I want 2 know what 2 expect if I go into labor on my own.
With my sister she didnt have contractions she only leaked. I felt like I was leaking with my daughter but she still didnt come until after her due date.
I had pressure on my bottom like I was really constipated and lots of cramping! My water didn't break til I got to the hospital, so you can't necessarily rely on that.
You will know. Your contractions will be so strong you know something is up. Just keep your hospitals number handy and if you feel funny or are in pain call, explain your symptoms, and they will tell you wether you need to come in or not.
That is very rare, but it does happen. Just be prepared the best you can and talk to your doctor about your concerns, he will help put your mind at ease.