HELP!! Armpits.....

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I have noticed my armpits turned black with this pregnacy... Its embarrasing... Do any of you have this issue? Whats good to treat them with... please help!! [-(


  • edited May 2011
    Lol I totally understand not bn mean but I thnk its disgusting my sister has black armpits jus bcuz....atleast u hav n excuse let's jus hope thy go bck aftr the baby
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  • It can be a result of diabetes too. But I think its just preggy hormones.

    @beauty0710 I also know that pcos causes darker skin in the under arms neck thighs & other places. You should tell sis to get checked as to y this is happening forno reason. Pcos causes other health issues too.
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  • Before I got preg, I used a skin brightening scrub and it took a week to lighten, but I don't know if its safe to use now, so I suggest to use a scrub like burts bees natural ones every day. Anti persperant leaves alumni behind, a metal that blocks the sweat glands and also leaves a dark look.
  • @one5one wat exactly is pcos...
  • My whole armpits aren't darker, but the wrinkles where they fold are. I honestly thought I was crazy and imagining things until just now, when I read that you guys are having similar things happen. Now I feel better. Haha I thought I was losing my mind...
  • @beauty0710 pcos is poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Your ovarys don't release eggs, they cyst up. Symptoms other than the cysts are darker areas on skin, excess facial hair, head hair loss, insulin resistance, weight gain, irregular periods, infertility etc. You can have all or some symptoms. These are not all the symptoms either. Something worth getting checked for.
  • My cousin went thru this very thing with each of her pregnancies. Her armpits, belly, nipples & elbows got dark. Her doctor told her to exfoliate & moisturize. It actually helped her a ton. He said it was hormones. Hope this helped! Hers did go away after she gave birth.
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