stressed out.

edited May 2011 in September 2011
I am pregnant with my second child, a boy, and I am so stressed that breastfeeding is going to turn out the same way with him. With my daughter she breastfed for 2 weeks and then because I had to use nipple covers for those first weeks she wouldn't feed without them and my milk dried up. Anyone have any tips on how to get inverted nipples ready for breastfeeding?


  • this sounds kind of weird but.. my nipples werent exactly inverted but they didn't really protrude either and then i got them pierced and ever since then they stick out.. i don't have the piercing in right now but piercing my nipples is the only thing that helped for them to be "normal".. im not telling u to go pierce ur nipples right now lol but later it's something u could consider? idk lol it worked for me
  • The only time my nipples stick out far enough to breastfeed is if its 40 or something outside lol. Guess i could ice them everytime.
  • Im considering breastfeeding but never knew about the inverted nipple thing...glad I read this....def something ill ask doc about at my appt tomorrow
  • edited June 2011
    I had a hard time as well.. my daughter tore me up. I plan on using the pump this time.
  • I tried pumping but I was acting as a single mom while hubby was deployed and it just got to be too much.
  • Just keep using the nipple shields. Some people have to use them for a whole yr or more of nursing. If it helps use it. No one will knock you for nursing and doing what you have to to get it done. Oh and pumping doesn't get the job done like actually nursing does. So if you do want to nurse and pump, make sure you have a good supply established and pump after every feed. Then you can pump and your supply won't disappear so quickly.
  • I had to use nipple shields with my first because she coudlnt breathe and eat at the same time. The shield help her get more flow with each suck. I almost dried up too... but I took fenegreek and had tons and tons of milk!
  • try calling your local lactation nurse at the hospital, wic department lactation nurse, or ask your doctor. they can usually give you some great tips.
  • I dealt with a lactation con. the first time and my daughter wouldn't breastfeed w out the shields and the lady wouldn't let me use them. She was horrible... its the same hospital, same lady.
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