after c section could you please!!!!....

edited May 2011 in Giving birth
Could you please do a tummy tuck! I'd rather not have the bulge lol! Or maybe do a little Lypo! I'm afraid of the aftermath. The over stretched skin! The loosened meat! I know my body isn't going to snap back!


  • It would b nice if they offered a bogof! Xx
  • I've read its not good to do that right after because it takes your body at least 6 months to normalized. If you rush it with a tummy tuck you will still be left with saggy skin. This could be wrong...just what I read on Google.
  • @sands3 it was a joke. I wouldn't waste my money! I can take my tell to the GYM.
  • @praying4our3rd I wish they could lol that would be nice!
  • Me too! I did read about it a while back cuz I am also having a c section and the thought crossed my mind.
  • What is a bogof?
  • I hope i don't have to get a c section! My baby daddy was ten pounds and born naturally
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