what is your cervix supposed to feel like at 27 weeks?

I am under the impression that the cervix is supposed to remain kinda hard till about the time for labor. Well mine feels very soft compaired to normal. It is almost like it is unrecognizable. Can anyone help me understand what is normal.


  • Hmm idk I've never felt my cervix.
  • myn goes from hard to soft just depends on where my lil man is at
  • How do you know it was your cervix?
  • How do you feel your cervix?
  • i dont think she ment cervix but maybe she did but i know that area down there can be hard and soft...
  • Oh i wish i could feel mine but would have no client what i was feeling for.
  • @frogingrovin
    Funny u ask im 28 wks and felt mine today bc ive had that 'feeling' that im dialating. Mine was super soft, and tilted towards my backside, which isnt normally how it is. And it does feel slightly dialated, about lil less than 1cm. I wonder if his position is whats tilting it, hes always down sooo low, and is already head down. Hope that helps? Something to compare it to
  • It is my understanding that when lightning and the softening of the cervix happens, labor is not to far behind.
  • Im kinda worried bout that too, hes head down a month early. Imma take a nap then do some research @frogingrovin
  • Oh i wish i could feel mine but would have no client what i was feeling for.
  • How do you feel it?
  • You have to put your finger inside your no no like the dr does. The cervix in normally a celindrical, hard thing inside and it has an opening
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  • Yeah my little girl is already head down and low at 23 wk and as of Monday I was checked for dilation and he said her head is sitting and pushing on my cervix. Hints the strict bed rest which sucks I might add lol :)
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