I strongly hate how

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
Sensitive pregnancy has made me, I cry for everything and for no reason.
For example, my bf is working right now and he wanted somewhat revealing pictures and I'm usually really uncomfortable to those pictures so I say no but sent him three, he asked for more, and all I put was more? :/ and he got really mad "cause I never ever send him pictures like that and he has to f*ckn beg me for a day or more" and it made me feel really sad and like I'm not good enough or something. I said u could of said thank you babe or something and he said whatever..
So now I'm crying my eyes out in my living room and it all went wrong :/ pregnancy hormones? Or was it him? :(


  • He turned a healthy game into a guilt trip. It's him.
  • umm that was a d*ck move on his part.. idk personally i dont like when im asked to do something like that.. i have to do it cus i want to and i initiate it.. so maybe u don't feel sexy right now or something idk it just doesnt seem like he's understanding.. i say it's his fault
  • Hell ill say send me some booty pics.wtf is wrong with him?that's funny.or ill say hell no.
  • both.. he doesnt hav to be mean
  • @jaime77 I jst told him he made me feel like crap by asking for more and he said I always do things when its not necessary :/ I could see his point but I'm jst not comfortable and he should respect that right?
  • @bebita86 yeah honestly being almost 5 months pregnant I stopped feeling "sexy" long ago. I'm honestly not in the mood to take any kinds of pictures I jst want to eat right now lol
  • his.. he didn't have to be like that!
  • and he has the balls to get an attitude over it.. i say u withhold nasty time until he gets a lil more compassionate
  • @bebita86 yeah I know! He's usually really understanding and he'll be like ok and that's it. & his bday is in two days and he wants bday sex -_- I'm not feeling any of it right now..I honestly would rather cuddle with him and watch movies :) but it won't happen..
  • well talk to him about how u been feeling and maybe if u open up to him he'll be nicer to u.. like give him a major sap story to make him feel bad.. that's wut i do and it works lol oh and make sure to cry which wont be hard to do right?? lol
  • @bebita86 lol no its easy I'm already crying! :( he's like I'm never asking for pictures sex or to go out from you again.
    It gets me scared and I feel crappy, like if he's gonna start asking someone else :/
  • tell him not to overreact.. all this that u feel about urself is temporary and eventually ur gunna be feeling like ur old self again..if he can't wait with u then he's not worth it.. besides he's not helping to make u feel sexy by demanding naki pics from u.. he has to be sweet with u and cuddle and rearrange his approach if he wants to get some
  • I think u may took it the wrong way.. he must have LoveD the pics! Wanted more... or im reading this the wrong way. My hubby ask for pics and try to keep our live life spicy..... ask him to send u pics?! @puchungis
  • @jess8d yeah I was thinking that but we've been arguing and he said he doesn't know if he wants to be with me. Idk where I went wrong, I mean I do my best to make him happy and if he jst got mad over this then idk maybe I should jst give him the pictures and end the arguing? I'm waiting for him to get home :/
  • @puchungis make a fun game or sexy game then from this. Meaning who can do cute or sexy photos..But that wasn't nice what he said tho... maybe he's stressed just have a good conversation with him. Hope things will get better
  • @jess8d sounds pretty fun lol ill try it :) thanks
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