Post partum depression

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy... Aiden Reed Garcia 2 weeks ago Fri. Now I believe I'm suffering from a bout of post partum. I cry at everything and the stupid thoughts that go through my head are ridiculous. I mean I cried because I feel I cheated my boyfriend out of being in the delivery room because I had to have an emergency c-section and after we had taken all those classes to. It's just things like that, that are driving me to cry. Even at the pediatricians office I cried. Help...... btw I have no bad thoughts just some sadness and regrets. I love my baby boy he was 6lbs 7oz and 20" long


  • This is not something to be ashamed of. Are there any new moms in your area that you can go out with to the park or something? I might join a group called "stroller strides" which is exercise with a group of moms while pushing strollers!

    Don't worry about the delivery. You did what you had to do for the health of your boy and i am sure your man appreciates that more than his time spent in those classes going to waste.

  • @Maggie thx girl. Yea I believe theres a group called little nippers at the hospital were I had Aiden and took the classes. They meet up every wed, not sure if they deal with post partum though I'm going to the next class with my little man now that his dr have us the ok to go out. Just hope i can keep it together. I think it will help talking to other people who's going through this.
  • Awww hunny it will all be okay. Talk to your doc about these things. That's what I had to do and he put me on meds to help perk me up. Lol.
  • @momof5 I did she said its just something to get through. Grrrr I just hate crying all the time. Thats what I need a perk up. I'll def ask for something if it doesn't get better for sure. I need to be strong again for my little man. And I'm already thinking about baby #2 and if its going to hit me again.
  • I would have went off if my doc said that to me. What a heffer. Lol. Depression is a hard thing to overcome. Keep yourself busy mama and stay positive about things.
  • @momof5 yea I was thinking she would have done more for me. But like life I guess ill take this into my own hands i can always start well it also helps coming here and talking with you great gals. Thank you!
  • I got really depressed after I had my son due to all the hormones running crazy and I had a tubal done that I really didn't want to have done in the first place and I had 4 other boys to attend to and then doc said I had to take the whole 6 weeks off of work. My son is now a month old today and I don't feel as depressed cause I try and stay busy all the time and getting out in the fresh air helps a lot and your right getting on here and talking to other ladies that knows how I feel is great. I am always here if you need to talk and you can also inbox me if you need or want to. And thank you for being here to talk to me also.
  • @momof5 Thank you so much. You know you kinda inspire do you do it........5 I only have 1 and am exhausted. Really just tired as all heck really. You get a.......... YOU GO GI!! :) I'm looking to have one more Aiden need a bro of sis, just not sure when a good age for Aiden to be yo have the 2nd one. I'm 40 with a bday in Aug so my clock is I'm already worried I'm going to be 50 when Aiden is 10..
  • your dr should have taken your depression more serious.. if u still feel down in a few weeks try to get help
  • @momof5 do u fb if so im bella1 or Tina williams. @beta86 I will most def get help if im not better in a month or so. I really dispise feeling like this.
  • A lot of ppl ask how I take care of 5. I tell them its sooo much easier with 5 than it was with 1. And my older 3 help out a lot with the younger 2. My older 3 go to their dads on the weekend and its rough on my 14month old cause he has no one to play with since the baby is only a month old. I love having lots of kids. I can't imagine my life with only 1 or 2 kids. I would of loved to have more. Having a 1 or 2 between kids is great. Do you have facebook?
  • I will find you on fb tomorrow. That's funny I just asked if you had fb.
  • Hey mama. What's your email address so I can find you on fb
  • morning ~O)
  • I found ya and sent you a request. Your little boy is so cute. Btw good morning to you. I'm thinkin that cup of coffee you posted looks really good and I'm gna have to make some now. Lol.
  • Lol.....girl i can't wait to have a cup of Joe again. I miss it so. Your talking to someone who drinks like 3 pots a day...
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