Post partum depression
I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy... Aiden Reed Garcia 2 weeks ago Fri. Now I believe I'm suffering from a bout of post partum. I cry at everything and the stupid thoughts that go through my head are ridiculous. I mean I cried because I feel I cheated my boyfriend out of being in the delivery room because I had to have an emergency c-section and after we had taken all those classes to. It's just things like that, that are driving me to cry. Even at the pediatricians office I cried. Help...... btw I have no bad thoughts just some sadness and regrets. I love my baby boy he was 6lbs 7oz and 20" long
Don't worry about the delivery. You did what you had to do for the health of your boy and i am sure your man appreciates that more than his time spent in those classes going to waste.