I know in this day and age it may seem strange to NOT find out the sex, but dh and I wouldn't have it any other way. We were surprised for our 1st and can't wait for our surprise in late September! Anyone else?
I wish! We weren't going to find out either. Doc was measuring my cervix last week via {weekly} ultrasound and baby was feet down, legs wide open and flashing us! I never thought for a second it was anything other than a boy, mommy's intuition. It would have been nice not to see. As long as he is healthy, I can't complain!
In my home town they won't tell you. We really wanted to find out but it costs too much money for a private scan. I'm ok with the fact its going to be a surprise, I'm happy either way, but it bugs me that if I lived 20 miles down the road I could find out for free.
Aw I'm sorry you gals found out if you didn't want to/can't find out but want to. Everyone should get to do exactly as they wish with this stuff. I'm wishing you both healthy babes and glad you're doing well so far!