
edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I know this has been posted umpteen million times but when did you guys all feel your baby's move I did have twins but that was 3 years ago lol and a twin pregnancy is so much different


  • I started to feel gracelyn at about 15 or 16 weeks I'm 27 weeks six days now n she hardly ever stops moving
  • I started feeling Jenises move at 18 weeks.. n now I kukd feel her kick I'm 21 weeks n she moves so much now.. today I k ow it sounds kinda crazy but she kicked me n knocked the air out of me. Idk if that's ever happened to y'all but it kinda scared me lol... n its kinda funny cuz wen her daddy trys to feel her kick she stops n wen he moves she kicks all crazy.. he feels like she dnt like him..
  • thank you guys im 15 weeks today and i dont feel kicks yet but i feel some kind of movment its hard to explain kinda like hes pushing on my belly but i only fell it when im laying down
  • That's probly him...that's how I felt at first.. or like little flutters n my belly.. but now.. omg she goes crazy she's so active n moves so much
  • Lol I think so Idk if he / she is actually a he or not wont find out for another 5 weeks but its wishful thinking and I cant bring myself to call him / she a it lol
  • I found out wat o was having at 16 weeks... I was the same way I didn't know wat to kall her.. sometimes I wuld say it n my bd wuld get mad so I wuld just say baby
  • 13 weeks I felt some fluttering, yesterday I felt movement (15wk3days) and it stuck so far out I could feel it in the outside, I had to get my partner quick! I'm pretty skinny and I think that helps!
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