Does your baby move so much it hurts???

edited May 2011 in Third Trimester
I am in my 26th week and my little man throws elbows and knees hard!!! It hurts!!! This is my third baby and neither of my other two did that. They were so gentle compared to Jordan. :)


  • Sometimes she does. She's settled in a bit the last few weeks but between 28-33 she gave me a lot of pain and kept me up all night lol. Once they start running out of room, its not as bad Haha
  • The kicks have just started hurting (24 weeks). My right rib is so sore from her hitting it. She is defiantly stronger than my son was.
  • I felt like such a bad mum while carrying my son because towards the end I hated him moving. (baring in mind he was 9lbs 9.5 oz) he was always kicking me in the ribs or he would lay really awkward so I couldn't move and had to adjust how I was sitting because it hurt and my belly would look really miss shapen. He would kick so hard you could actually make out little hands and feet which was quite cute
  • Mine does! Im 34 weeks and it hurts a lot he is very rough with me lol
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