How often should a newborn poop?

edited May 2011 in Babies
My son is a week and 1 day old and is formula fed (enfamil newborn) he was pooping about every diaper change since we brought him home last friday and now he hasnt pooped since yesterday afternoon. Should I be worried? Im going to call his pediatrician in the morning.


  • @maymommy11 He should poop at least once a day. I would definitely call the pediatrician in the morning if he hasn't pooped by then, just to be safe. From what my son's pediatrician told me, though, formula feeding can make their BMs less frequent and you might occasionally skip a day. Still, better to double check and be sure. :)
  • I have been told that its normal to poop after every feeding and it is also normal to have up to 7 dirty in one day or one dirty in 7 days. A little secret is to take your baby's temp rectally, put a little baseline on the tip of the thermometer. This always got my babies going.
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