welcome home baby party should i or no

edited May 2011 in Baby showers
I just had my sweet little boy 2 weeks ago and I really want to make him this bbq party but I'm a little embarrassed since he is my 5th child. I don't need any gifts but I do want to do the diaper raffle. Should I still make him one or no. If yes how should I do the invites and how can I make it real cheap.


  • do it.. reroute some family and close friends to bring theyer best bbq side.. and or drinks and bbq chicken.. its always a good price.. and if you want hot dogs for kiddies if they like it.. and invites you can get some from the 1$ store.. or announce on fb if you have one... on the invite i would say.. something like your introduction party or something with the same meanin.. cause that sound odd saying lol.. and good luck .. what is a diaper raffle?
  • that was supposed to say reroute freinds and family.. lol
  • Thank you I was thinking chicken too but I want some meat lol. A diaper raffle is where you ask to bring a pack of diapers if they want to be entered in to a raffle and who ever wins you give them a prize whatever you choose. I'm just scared nobody will show lol our last party only like 15 ppl went because there was another party I didn't know about.
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