hmmm... intelligender??

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I know there has been discussion on this before, but how many if you all took it? Was is accurate? I just bought one and I'm waiting for the result... I don't get another us til june.


  • I took it and it was right:)
  • I took it and it was accurate! Told me I am having a boy..and according to the U/S there is no doubt about it lol!
  • I took it n was wrong
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Mine was wrong
  • If you have any doubt you can send a pic to then and they will verify! A friend of mine took one and it was wrong. But she didn't send it in so maybe she was wrong. If you look on the website it shows examples for you! What was your result?
  • I went yesterday for us and baby didn't show anything, had legs crossed... my mom talked me into trying this... it says boy. I hear boy is also the default.
  • I took it and it was right:) you have to use first morning urine.
  • It said girl and had a 3d to confirm it:)
  • I did it around 14 weeks. It said boy and I'm having a girl. Don't waste your money.
  • I took it and it was right. I'm having a boy.
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