I think my sure date may be wrong.

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I had thot my last cycle was on july 22nd but after speaking with my hubby the other day I realized out was actually JUNE 22nd & I finally went to the birthright center on sept 9th. It was after I had missed my second period. Could I be further along?


  • I think so have u had a ultrasound yet??
  • Yea but the doc said he wasn't sure cuz it took so long to even get an appt. And my belly has grown very fast in the past few weeks. Im supposedly only 6 months & I was told that the baby grows they his major growth spurt in the 7th to 8th month.
  • what? at 6 months you will get more than accurate measurements via ultrasound of how far along you are. how does the amount of time it takes to get an appt relate to how far you are? doesn't your doctor measure you at checkups?
  • Will ur baby can just be big for his time of the months u r ...i.was measuring 3months but baby has develop thing he should have yet but he his hieght is small n am 5mnth so maybe ur baby is big
  • My sister told me that after so long its harder to tell when we conceived or when the baby is due. He measured the baby but never really said much vote his size. Just that he's growing & healthy.
  • Well my husband was a pretty big baby too. I guess only time will tell. He will come into the world when he's ready I guess. Lol.
  • Will ur baby can just be big for his time of the months u r ...i.was measuring 3months but baby has develop thing he should have yet but he his hieght is small n am 5mnth so maybe ur baby is big
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