Loving mommy life

edited May 2011 in April 2011
My son is (so far) a very good baby. he almost never cries unless he is really hungry. He is 2 weeks old now and we had still been on the 3hr feeding schedule from the NICU.. But last night I didn't hear my alarm and 5hrs later I woke up when he started making little grunting sounds as he was waking up. Then after feeding he snuggled up to mommy and went back to sleep.


  • My son was born may 3 and is pretty much the same way. He doesnt cry for no reason :) we got good babies :)
  • @maymommy11 the nurses thought it would be hard on us at home (i wasn't due til may 27th) but so far he has proved them completely wrong lol.

    Yay for us and good babys! :)
  • Yep my son is 3wks 1day & he is a good baby he doesnt just cry really but he had peed on me so much I think he waits to pee til right when I take his pamper off & the baf pary he smiles while he does it
  • @may1mommatobe lol so far he only does that to his daddy.. He had peed on his dad multiple times.. Which makes my day between work and he is taking a summer class that is monday-thursday so he is not here much to change diapers but he gets peed on when he does lol.
    he also got poop on his dad when he was in the NICU.. Poor thing had been given a suppository.. I was changing his diaper but he missed me completely and hit his dad who was 3ft away..

    I've decided he is a mommys boy already!
  • Lol mine must be a daddys boy cause he has been lucky no pee or anything the other night he feed him & burped him right when he handed him to me he threw up in my face
  • @may1mommatobe oh gosh.. I've decided I'll probably get some sort of payback sometime for laughing at his dad lol
  • Lol mine was a week early bc I had preeclampsia :( how come he was so early?
  • He also was in nicu on oxygen for a littles less than a day because they had me on magnesuim during labor.
  • @maymommy11 I ended up with high blood pressure at 31ws so I was given the steroid shots and then put on bed rest.. At 33ws I was put on medicine for blood pressure. I was going to the dr 2-3.times a week.. And one day my blood pressure went back up again so they decided to induce.
  • Oh wow! Idk wat id do if I was on bed rest. im on blood pressure medicine right now bc my blood pressure wasnt completely normal when I went home. Did you deliver vaginal or c section?
  • @maymommy11 I had to have a csection.. They induced me using some pill they inserted and a pitocin drip.. After 20hrs of labor with no pain meds I finally got an epi and they checked I wasnt dilated at all only 70% thinned so they decided it was time to do a csection.
  • They induced me with this string that they put up by the cervix abd it releases some stuff to make my cervix thin out I was 3cm dilated. 10 hrs of labor I stopped dilating at 8 cm and they decided for c section.
  • @maymommy11 how are you feeling after the section? Mine is still a little sore.. And alot of the skin around it is numb.
  • Its sore on both ends im scared to do something and it end up hurting. I cant tell if its numb or not. I gi for a two week check up on tuesday
  • @maymommy11 they aren't seeing me back for 6 weeks. Did they use stitches or staples?
  • Thet did both they took the staples out before I left the hospital. Maybe its bc I had preeclamsia why they want to see ne back so soon?
  • @maymommy11 that is possible. They used stitches with me and put terry strips over it that I have to walt for them to fall off.. I have 2 of 5 left.. They helped it where it didn't hurt so much when I sneezed or coughed so I liked having them lol
  • Ya they put some of those on me too. Thry gave me a bag of them so my fiance could put them on if they fell off. I had acold.before I had him so coughing made me cry and holding a pillow to it didnt help
  • @maymommy11 yeah they told me about using a pillow.. It didn't help at all! I got to where I would bend over and put alot if pressure with my hand or arm
  • Aw. Apparently they never had a c section bc it didnt work. Lol
  • @maymommy11 the nurse who told me didn't have any kids lol. After I sneezed the first time I wanted to be like lets cut I open, sew you back up, and see if it works for you lol
  • Lol I was in 6 diff rooms and almost all the nurses said to do that. How much does your son weigh now?
  • @maymommy11 around 7lbs now I believe.. His next appt isn't til the 23rd. After birth he only lost 4oz which they said was good.. And now he is a little pig
  • Lol ya mine eats alot! 2 - 3 oz every 1 1/2 to 3 hours. He was 8ibs 12oz at birth at his weekly appt he was 8.11 I was looking at my incision and I have stiches on the inside and some of mt skin isnt closed up all the way so its a little gap and you can see something white but i dont think its leakage bc its not coming out, do you know what that could be??
  • @maymommy11 I'm not sure.. I noticed it on mine also.. Im so ready for it to heal up! The dr was joking after he got done with my csection telling me I can't be mad at him bc he cut in between my tattoos lol
  • Aw that would suck! Im wondering if its muscle tissue?? I hope so.. The dr that did mine was my original dr that I didnt like so I changed to a diff dr in the practice. Lol
  • @maymommy11 that is possible.. I hadnt thought of that. I saw two different drs through out my pregnancy eng the
  • And* the one that I liked the least did my csection.. He was talking about chicago and needles the whole time
  • He was talking about that during the c section? Wth lol.im gonna call my drs office monday and ask abour it though. I was feeling pressure or pain and then the anestisologist but something in my iv and it knocked me out after he was born lol my fiance said I was snoring..
  • @maymommy11 yep he was cutting me open taking about chicago! I was like uhhhh. when they started pushing on my stomach to help get him out it was hurting pretty bad.. Then was hurting when he started sewing me up.. So they pumped me full of something and I just kinda layed there looking around but then was angry I couldn't move my legs for about 3 hours.
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