kicks in my foo foo?!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
It feels like the babys kicking in my vajaja, im 19weeks, its like a kicking rhythmic sort of feeling, annoying! Anyone else experiance this? & is it the baby kicking?!


  • i'm not sure if it's the same, but my little girl likes to stomp on my bladder and kick what feels like my urethra lol it kills!!
  • Yes I posted about this a couple weeks ago a lot of women said it happens to them! It's really annoying but it should stop in a week or so :)
  • @louisesfirstbaba the title literally made me LOL. Its just baby playing soccer
  • Thanks ladies! I thought it would jus be me haha!
  • yea my son is kicking me in my bladder constantly. I wake up all throughout the night having to pee. It does kinda feel like a uti because sometimes only a lil bit will be come out, but I know its the baby, docs told me so :). And boy does he have some big feet already lol. I'm not looking fwd to being further along when he really starts kicking me.
  • I can actually feel kicks to my cervix... It's so awkward to be talking to someone and get kicked there.
  • Im 19 wk 4 days and this happens to me. Lol it doesnt hurt me tho lol its just akward!
  • I'm 34 weeks and I feel my son move very low into my pubic area. He ain't kicking my bladder, cus when he does it hurts, but when he moves it don't hurt. It feels like he moves as low as where my vajayjay is . And it hasn't gone away or stopped, plus I'm Close to my due date, jus 42 days to go.
  • I am 20w and having the same hurts...I think its only going to get worse as she grows...this is baby #4 and my first girl and she's already a pain lol
  • I'm 37 weeks n I've been getting head butted in my cervix all day... Not a comfortable feeling
  • i'm 25 weeks, and i've had that feeling since around 19 weeks. it kinda felt like a sudden muscle spasam down there, but on the inside, and closer to my clit. sorry, wayy tmi, but i couldn't think of another way to explain it.
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