Babies/Toddlers and Pageants

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I've been reading the post about the little girl who gets botox injections and it really got me thinking about pageants. I love them! I don't neccisarily agree with a lot of things the parents do to the kids to prepare them but they still look like fun to me. I would love to put my little girl in one when she's born. I wouldn't tan her (for obvious reasons), put extensions in her hair or lashes, use to much makeup, or acrylic nails. However, I will buy the extravagant dresses and doll her up though. If and when she decides she doesn't like them shell stop doing them.

As far as I'm concerned its just like dance. I started when I was 3. We got dolled up in makeup for performances and it was very competitive. When I decided to focus on sports instead of dance my parents supported me. Eventually I went back to dance but it was completely my choice.

I live in the Northeast and pageants aren't as popular here. They seem to be more of a Southern/Midwestern thing. Most people think I'm crazy when I say I want to put my little girl in one. My mom has even gone as far as to TELL me that I'm not putting my child in one. Obviously I'm going to do what I want with my baby. Ill put her in a few and see how she does. If she's a showy type of baby we'll keep going. If she has more of a shy personality we'll find another activity. No big deal.

I'm just curious what other think? Also wondering if there are any Moms on pregly who were pageants girls themseslves and how its affected them?


  • I dont have anything against them...but im sure its just glitzs pageants where u need all the makeup and fake teeth n tans..but the natural one..hince the name are all natural and less expensive ..
  • And I seeing that some of the girls and boys actually enjoy it very much..but some of them you see on tv..dont look like they do..or are forced to do it
  • I have been in pageants and I love them. The experiences and people are great and an awesome learning experience. If I have a little girl, I would love for her to experience the fun I did. Oh and I never had a sergical procedure to change my appernce, neither will my child.
  • I've seen Toddlers & Tiaras and I don't like how they make these little girls look like grown ups. Many of them don't seem to enjoy it, but the mothers force them to do it. A lot of them spend a small fortune to do the pageants too. I would have no problem with a pageant where they get to be their cute selves though.
  • edited May 2011
    Ill be honest, it is the glitz pageants the I like most. However, I think there are ways to do glitz without being overtop and still be competitive. If your child has natural beauty you don't need to do a lot of that stuff.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm sorry but I dont agree with putting ur child in a pageant. U might say now that u won't use make up/ fake teeth/hair/nails/tan but once u get into them, and u see ur baby loose to someone who used all those things, u might just change ur mind. Also u say if and when she doesn't like it, ull take her out....then y not wait until she old enough in the first place to make that decision for herself. A lot of times the mothers are the ones who become (key word) addicted to them and take it too far. A lot of kids are pretty much made to grow up to fast, if u think about it, thats a job for those kids. I would never take my childhood away from my child in anyway.
    im not trying to "bash u" in anyway, im simply expressing my point of view and opinion. In the end its ur decision, I wish u and ur lil one the best! Take care
  • @summergirl22 I totally respect your opinion. I just don't think its any different than starting your child early in dance or piano lessons. Exposing your child to different things that teach them discipline isn't making them grow up to fast. Its giving them a foundation.

    Nobody complains about Cheerleading. They dress and dance provacatively as well as wear makeup.
  • In my pageants, no one had fake teeth! Or wigs. You act like YOU HAVE to do all that pointless stuff for your child to be in a pageant. You dont. Stick to your own morals and youll do fine. Seriously, pageants are a AWESOME EXPERIENCE. (: I would reccomend them to anyone!
  • Its hard to say because Ive never been involved in pageants or known anyone in them. The only exposure I have had is TV shows (toddlers & tierras) and movies (little miss sunshine). Im sure its like everything else where you have the extreme cases and then you have the "normal" ones.
  • Miss Teen Colorado 2nd Runner up title holder right here (: and TRUSTTTT MEEE tv is sooo different than real life
  • I was never in pagents. I was more of a tomboy. Lol. But, my best friend entered her 1 year old daughter in a pagent last Valentine's Day, and I thought it was adorable. She had the cutest dress ever, and it seemed like she enjoyed wearing it, and getting all the attention, of course. Lol. It's definately something I'm wanting to try with my daughter. If she doesn't like it, that's completely okay, but I want to try it at least once.
  • @emmalee7 My little cousin ran for Miss Teen Colorado. I'm not sure if she place. She was recently in a pageant where she placed but still hasn't brought home a title. I told her she needs me as her coach.
  • Some colorado pageants are rigged for sure! Like, I ran 2 years ago, and a girl won that already was a title holder for another CO pageant. Thats "illeagal" well in pageant aspects it is lol. Sooo unfair, but I loved it.
  • @mommysfirstbundle I understand where ur coming from but it is different....obviously the activities u mentioned are for older than babies...u mentioned ur baby... I think the examples u mentioned are completely different
  • I've seen shows on those crazy moms that go nuts for those things! I couldn't handle it! I think there needs to b rules. I can't stand a 4 year old looking hotter n more grown up then me! Its like a convention for sexual preditars I feel.
  • Pageants don't have rules but my bf definitely does. He already said no bikinis or red lipstick. I'm not sure why he singled out red lipstick of all makeup. Oh and he just added, no "droppin it like its hot" or booty shakin. I'm sure he has more.
  • Idk all the pageants I've seen on tv make me sick...its so weird and disturbing...
  • There's nothing wrong with beauty pageants. My mom put me in my first pageant when I was 6 weeks old & I continued to compete until I was 19! I can tell you all the horror stories about crazy stage mom's but I can also tell you the good behind the scene stories too:) Best thing to do is start out w/ some local pageants, then as time goes by, start looking into regional,state & national's. They are a great way to build confidence as well as learning humility & how to be graceous & friendly. I cried when I found out I was expecting a boy b/c that meant baseball & football, no pageants:( Start out small & go from there cause it can get expensive & overwhelming! Lol
  • I am still in pageants and I was in them as a baby and toddler and in acting as a child it has no negative affect my parents are very supportive and I knew if I was having a girl she would be in them too...but I'm having a boy and will wait to do pageants unyil baby #2 in a few years which I am hoping to be a girl (thinking ahead) but it can be bad if the parent tries to live their dreams through the child...I love pageantry it teaches individuality and self esteem the pageant I was in in March (and yea I was 4 months preggo) had a jr division there was one winner but everyone got an award for something ex. Best Smile Most Personality as well as a crown.
  • There's definately a "pageant culture" and if your not from a place where its big it can probably seem a little weird. Like I said I don't live in a place where pageants are common and I didn't grow up around them. Im just the ultimate girly girl and pageants are the ultimate girly activity. That's probably where my interest stems from.

    I don't think ill live vicariously through my daughter because I'm more excited to see the individual she becomes. Ill never know who that may be if I try to make her who I want her to be. However, I do want to expose her to as many positive things as possible. There are things that I wish I had at least dabbled in as a child (I.e. instruments, pageants) so that I could say I tried it and I did or didn't like it.
  • edited May 2011
    Ur last post has a good point, as long as you dont over do it, then things should be fine, encouraging her to do different things is good, so she can find out what she likes. Leading your child down a path is good as long as in the end its ultimately her decision.
    im having a girl, and ive had ppl ask if I was going to pierce her ears when shes a baby...although they look very cute with their ears pierced, I wont do that, because i feel it should ultimately be her decision, if she asks to get her ears pierced at 6 or whatever age, id be glad to get them pierced for her...its just one of those things I think they should have a say in. I understand mothers who get there kids ears pierced before they ask, and I think thats fine, just not something I would do...
  • I think as long as its not forced or stressful its great. And if she's good (maybe even if she's not) I would think it would b a great confidence booster
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