Cheating is not just physical...any kind of emotional involvement is or should be considered cheating. When in a relationship it should be all about lifting each other up and if you are constantly doing something that hurts your partner then you are not committed to them.
@owllison you are absolutely right! My husband has tried to say the same thing and my response is if you know it would p*ss me off then its wrong don't do it lol! I have hope he will learn someday lol!
.@owllison yea. We had our u/s and when he found out he kissed me and i cried like a baby. We so thought girl. But we both wanted a boy. It deff helped that it was a boy.. sad to say. I caught him crying when i got back from an errand and he said we needed to separate because he doesnt have the same feelings. But i locked myself in the bathroom and cried for 2 hours. He came in with a clear head and we talked. He wants to try to work at it. I wish you luck
@kritten_octoberbby im so sorry : ( I hope everything works out for y'all! Just keep working at it and don't give up! Sometimes I want to so bad but don't only would I be hurting myself but but our daughter too
@owllison well so far so good.. i have been trying really hard to keep us together but it takes two ppl to make a relationship.. i think you should do whats best for your child and you. I knew he was the best thing for us is him. He is an extremely hard worker and he does all to support me and future son. Itll take some time for him since he is scared of the unknown...
To me if I don't want you talking to someone and you do it's cheating. Anything you would be hesitant telling your bf/gf about. Even giving out your cell number. Especially kissing and thanking sexual.
I feel asif emotional cheating is way worse then sex one time. Some of u know my situation that happened yesterday. Technicly my husband didn't cheat. He tried by asking a girl for a bj but that was to close for comfort. I still am not sure if I want a devorce or if we r going to start consoling to work on his problem